Imperial System versus Metric System


Imperial System versus Metric System OB
Oliver Balay
Flashcards by Oliver Balay, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver Balay
Created by Oliver Balay almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Imperial System versus Metric System At different stages through British history (post 19 century) up until today we have been using two types of measurement systems: Imperial System and Metric System
Imperial System Of the two systems, the UK first introduced the Imperial measurement system (as well as the British Empire) from as early as 1824. (British Weights and Measures Act of 1824)
Metric System Metrication in the United Kingdom is the process of introducing the metric system of measurement in place of imperial units. As early as the 1960s, the metric system was slowly being introduced to the UK. Mandatory use of prescribed metric units for retail sales took effect in 1995 for packaged goods and in 2000 for goods sold loose by weight. Within the UK we predominantly use the metric system, with a few imperial units still being used today.
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