midterm artist


artist and their artwork
Ernesto Quiroz
Flashcards by Ernesto Quiroz, updated more than 1 year ago
Ernesto Quiroz
Created by Ernesto Quiroz almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
GIOTTO, interior of the Arena Chapel, 1305-1306
Robert Campin, Merode Altarpiece, 1425-1428
Jan van eyck, Ghent Altarpiece, 1432
JAN VAN EYCK, Arnolfini portrait, 1424
ROGIER CAN DER WEYDEN, Deposition, 1435-1442
HANS MEMLING, Diptych of Martin can Nieuwenhove, 1481
LIMBOURG BROTHERS, The Very Sumptuous Hours of the Duke Berry, 1413-1416
LORENZO GHIBERTI, Gates of Paradise, 1425-1452
MASACCIO, Tribute Money, 1427
MASACCIO, holy trinity, 1424-1427
DONATELLO, David, late 1440-1460
MICHELANGELO, David, 1501-1504
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Madonna of the Rocks, 1483-1490
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Mona Lisa, 1503-1505
RAPHAEL, School of Athens, 1509-1511
MICHELANGELO, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512
MICHELANGELO, Last Judgement, 1531-1541
MATTHIAS GRUNEWALD, Isenheim Altarpiece, ca. 1510-1515
ALBRECHT BURER, Self-Portrait, 1500
ALBRECHT FURER, the fall of man (Adam and eve), 1505
HIERONYMUS BOSCH, garden of earthly delights, 1505-1510
QUINTEN MASSYS, money-charger and his wife, 1514
PIETER AERTSEN, butcher's Stall, 1551
JACOPO DA PONTORMO, Entombment of Christ, 1525-1528
PARMIGIANINO, self-portrait in a convex mirror, 1524
CARAVAGGIO, conversation of Saint Paul, 1601
ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI, Judith slaying Holofernes, ca. 1614-1620
BERNINI, David, 1623
BERNINI, piazza of saint peter's basilica, 1656-1667
GAULLI, Triumph of the name of Jesus, 1676-1679
DIEGO VELAZQUEZ, las meninas, 1656
JUAN SANCHEZ COTAN, still life with game fowl, ca 1600-1603
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