The Solar System


Social Science Flashcards on The Solar System, created by Natalia Ramos Escalada on 12/11/2018.
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Flashcards by Natalia Ramos Escalada, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Created by Natalia Ramos Escalada almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Solar System includes the Sun, the planets and their satellites, asteroids and comets
The Sun is a star and is the centre of the Solar System
The Solar System is a small part of... the Universe
In what galaxy do we live in? Milky Way
Which is the hottest planet? Venus
Which is the coldest planet? Uranus
Which is the only planet that supports life? The Earth
Which is the closest planet to the Sun? Mercury
Which is the furthest planet from the Sun? Neptune
Which is the Red Planet? Mars
Which is the second largest planet? Saturn
The atmosphere is all the air that surrounds the Earth.
The geosphere is the hard part of the Earth. This is made up of the continents.
The hydrosphere is all the water found on and above the Earth.
The days are longer than the nights. It is warmer and we receive more sunlight. summer
The days are shorter than the nights. It is colder and we receive less sunlight. winter
The days and the nights are about the same length. spring and autumn
seven days week
year 365 days and 6 hours
Month Between 28 and 31 days
Minute 60 seconds
Hour 60 minutes
Day 24 hours
How long does the Earth take to to rotate on its axis? one day /24 hours
How long does the Earth take to revolve about the Sun? 365 days and 6 hours
The Sun rises in the east and sets in..... west
There are four moon phases new moon, first quarter, full moon and third quarter
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