NS 30 - anxiety disorders


anxiety disorders
Erica Lai
Flashcards by Erica Lai, updated more than 1 year ago
Erica Lai
Created by Erica Lai almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
4 main parts of the medical model diagnosis aeitology treatment prognosis
advantages of the medical model (2) facilitates research and treatment increases communication between healthcare professionals, patients, families
disadvantages of the medical model (3) symptomology not pathology labels the patient ignores context
distinguishing between normal and abnormal (3) deviant? maladaptive? causing personal distress?
main idea of the biopsychosocial model? all behaviour arises from interaction between nature and nurture
american disease classification system DSM-5
european disease classification system ICD-10
4 subtypes of anxiety disorders generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) phobic disorder panic disorder and agoraphobia obsessive-compulsive disorder
outline GAD chronic, high level of anxiety without specific threat - patient worries a lot about everything physcial symptoms = sweating, trembling, dizziness, heart palpitations lifetime risk is 9%, more common in females (2:1 ratio) onset 15-25 years
outline phobic disorder specific phobias: natural environment: heights, water, storms situational: enclosed spaces, airplanes animal: spiders onset before 10 years social phobias: fear of situations in which the person is subject to possible scrutiny onset usually 8-15 years feared situations are actively avoided
what is agoraphobia? a type of phobic disorder anxiety about 2 or mroe of: using public transport being in open places being in enclosed spaces being in a crowd being outside of the home alone
outline panic disorder sudden recurring attacks of overwhelming anxiety interspersed with periods free from anxiety attacks last a few minutes physical symptoms (autonomic) more common in women
outline OCD persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts or urges to engage in senseless rituals more common in females
treatment of anxiety disorders CBT SSRI antidepressants anxiolytics
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