W3_L6_Was it good luck? E-E


Lesson 6 - vocabox practice
Gordana Palada
Flashcards by Gordana Palada, updated more than 1 year ago
Gordana Palada
Created by Gordana Palada almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
prize you get it when you are best in a game or a competition
final last
guess you make it when you aren't sure
clothes you wear them
cave a hole in a side of a hill or a cliff
trip when you travel somewhere
win get a prize
congratulations you say that to someone who wins a game
marvellous Great! Fantastic!
skin your body is covered with it
grave when somebody dies you put them in it
explorer a person who travels to discover new places
scientist a person who works in science
huge very, very big
ancient very, very old
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