2.1 Making Things Bigger


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Fatima Syeda
Flashcards by Fatima Syeda, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Syeda
Created by Fatima Syeda over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Making Things Bigger
Why do scientists use microscopes? Scientists use microscopes to observe objects too small to view with the human eye. This helps them observe the tiny building blocks of life.
What is a light microscope? The light microscope, is a type of microscope that commonly uses visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small objects.
What is a stereo microscope? Light from a mirror is reflected through the specimen into the powerful objective lens, which produces the first magnification. The image is then magnified again by the eyepiece lens, which acts as a simple magnifying glass.
What is a specimen? A specimen is the object being looked at through the microscope.
Label this microscope.
What is a dissection? When you cut apart a dead plant or animal to study it.
What is magnification? The amount by which the image is magnified compared to the real object.
What is field of view? The amount of the specimen seen through a microscope.
How much in length is a micro-metre? A micrometre is one-thousandth of a millimetre.
What are two types of electron microscope? SEM and TEM
What do SEM and TEM stand for? SEM stands for 'scanning electron microscope' and TEM stands for 'transmission electron microscope'.
Explain why people might use binoculars. People use binoculars to see detail from distance. You can use binoculars for observing scenery, landscape, animal, celestial bodies and much more.
List two difference between TEM AND SEM. TEM: electrons pass through specimen, image is black and white but can be coloured to increase contrast SEM: electrons reflect off surface of specimen, image is black and white but can be given false colour using computers
How do electron microscopes work? Electron microscopes use the beams of tiny particles called electrons instead of light and are able to magnify up to a million times.
Who constructed the first true microscope? Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
Who was the first person to see cells in a slice of cork? Robert Hooke
Riddle! The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Footsteps.
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