Mass Movement Revision Quiz


Chapter Revision
aileen Mc
Flashcards by aileen Mc, updated more than 1 year ago
aileen Mc
Created by aileen Mc over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. A name for loose rock material Regolith
2. Another name for slope Gradient
3. How slow does soil creep move on the Irish landscape? 1cm per year
4. A name for the steps that soil creep creates Terracettes
5. Name two human triggers for mass movement Deforestation Digging at cliff base Mining/Blasting Rock
6. Name two natural triggers for mass movement......other than gravity & slope Excess Rainfall Volcano Earthquake Consolidation of material Vegetation
7. An Indonesian word for a type of mass movement Lahar
8. A type of mass movement that is fast & dry Rockfall Avalanche
9. List 3 pieces of evidence that soil creep may be taking place Fallen walls / Fences Terracettes Trees bent Telephone poles bent
Soil Creep
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