Classics: Rome, Roman Sacrifice


Flashcards on Classics: Rome, Roman Sacrifice , created by sienna.wells on 10/01/2015.
Flashcards by sienna.wells, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sienna.wells over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where did Roman sacrifice happen? Outside the temple on an alter.
Why was the Roman Sacrifice outside and on the alter? 2 marks - It was believed the God would receive the blood of the sacrificial animal as it soaked into the ground. - They also believed the smoke of burning meat (of the sacrificial animal went to the Gods)
What was the temple like? It was in a Greek style with a marble building set on a high podium of three steps and surrounded by columns.
Inside the building what was in the main chamber? The Cella and housing the statue of the God which was a giant, a story high statue mad of gold and ivory.
What was the temple used for? This was the home of the God and worshippers could visit to leave offerings.
What was the other room? There was another room called a store room and that is where treasure was kept.
What does the term sacrifice mean? A worshipper gave up something valuable to a God, in return they hoped that the God would look kindly on then in the future.
What does sacrifice symbolise? Life sometimes.
What would a Roman preparing for a sacrifice do? Agree an appointment time with the priest of the relevant temple.
What is the second stage of the sacrifice? You would go to the market on the appointed day and buy an animal
what would the animal be like? it would have to be perfect, without a blemish.
What would the sacrifice and animal wear? The sacrifice would wear his best toga, tie ribbons to the animals horn and tail and lead it though the street to the temple.
What would they do if the animal resisted? If the animal resisted or stumbled it would be seen as a bad omen and might re-start the process with a new animal.
Who oversaw the ceremony? The priest and it took part outside the temple.
What did they do to the animal? They would sprinkle the animals head with wine and the priest would cover his head with the folds of his toga and was his hands in the sacred water.
What else is the animals head sprinkled with? Mola salsa (Sacred bread) where the priest pray.
What do they do to the animal? The animal is stunned by a hammer and its throat is cut and the animal is then disembowelled and its insides removed but if they are discoloured or misshapen it would be a bad omen.
What would they do to stop unwanted sounds? A flute player would play during the ceremony to stop unwanted sounds, a sneeze would be considered as a bad omen.
What would they do if the omen was good? They would continue.
What would they do with the innards? They would be burnt in a fire on the alter as an offering to the God.
What do they do with the rest of the meat? It would be cooked and shared in a feast
How was Roman religion different from Christianity? - Christians believed in one god, seen without flaws, he is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient. -The Romans believed in many Gods who all have flaws and were more human with their imperfections. The Romans had god- Goddess for almost anything and everything.
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