NWC3 Flashcards


Flashcards on NWC3 Flashcards, created by jsol606 on 14/01/2015.
Flashcards by jsol606, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jsol606 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Alleles The different forms of a gene that are located on specific positions of the chromosome.
Codominance A condition in which neither of the two alleles of a gene is dominant or recessive.
Dominant An allele whose trait always shows up in the organism where the allele is present
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid: The genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring.
Gene A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.
Genetics The scientific study of heredity.
Genotype An organism's genetic make-up, or allele combinations.
Chromosome A threadlike strand of DNA that carries the genes determining heredity.
Heredity The passing of traits from parents to offspring
Heterozygous Having two different alleles for a trait.
Homozygous Having two identical alleles for a trait.
Hybrid An organism that is heterozygous for a particular trait; An organism that has two different alleles for a trait.
Meiosis The process that occurs in the formation of sex cells (sperm and egg) by which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half.
Phenotype An organism's physical appearance, or visible traits.
Purebred An organism that always produces offspring with the same form of the trait as the parent.
Recessive An allele that is masked when a dominant allele is present.
Trait A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.
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