Alabama Real Estate Exam Lessons 40-65 and Alabama Specific Portion


Facts which I already knew are not included in these flashcards - so it does lack flashcards for the easier-to-learn facts.
Flashcards by janiebaylis, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by janiebaylis over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
40 - The VA income to debt ratio cannot be higher than _______. 41%
40 - Does a person have to be a veteran to assume a VA loan? no
40 - The maximum term of either FHA or VA loans is __________. 30 years
40 - Do FHA and VA loans require a pre-payment penalty? never
40 - At the time of closing, if the purchase is a new first mortgage from the lending institution, the buyer's cost typically is at least ______ of the loan amount plus discount points. 3%
41 - An evaluation of the subject property by a qualified professional is called a/an ___________. appraisal
41 - The form that was created to standardize appraisals nationally is called the ____________. Uniform Residential Appraisal Report
41 - Creditworthiness is determined by the use of a ____________. credit report
41 - Loan underwriting can be divided generally into these three categories: 1) buyer ability to pay 2) buyer willingness to pay 3) property evaluation
42 - Each discount point that the lender charges costs someone ___ of the loan amount, payable at the time of closing. 1%
42 - The Truth-in-Lending Law became effective in 1969 and was amended in 1980 and became the _________. Truth-in-Lending Simplification and Reform Act (TILSRA)
42 - Regulation Z of the Truth-in-Lending Simplification and Reform act now requires what four disclosures? 1) annual percentage rate 2) finance charge 3) amount financed 4) total of payments
42 - The main purpose of Regulation Z is ________________________________. to ensure that borrowers and customers in need of consumer credit are given meaningful information with respect to the cost of credit so they can make informed choices.
42 - Regulation Z applies to ___________ loans. residential mortgage loans
42 - According to Regulation Z, within _____ days of application, the lender must provide the borrower with a disclosure statement which sets forth the true or effective annual interest rate (APR). three
42 - If the borrower is refinancing an existing mortgage loan or obtaining a new mortgage loan an is pledging a principal residence already owned as security for the loan, there must be a ______ day period for right of rescission. three
42 - Real estate agents must take care not to violate advertising requirements of _____________ when referring to financing or credit terms. Regulation Z
42 - Congress enacted the ___________ in 1974 to regulate the lending activities of lending institutions in making mortgages for homes. Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
42 - RESPA requires two main things: 1) Good faith estimate within three working days of receiving a completed loan application 2) HUD form No. 1 - a standard settlement form designed to clearly itemize all charges to be paid by borrow and by seller
42 - At the time of loan application, RESPA requires that the lender provide the borrower with a booklet entitled ________________. Homebuyer's Guide to Settlement Costs
42 - The __________ was enacted by Congress in 1975 and makes it unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any loan applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital status, age, or other reasons listed in their regulations. Equal Credit Opportunity Act
43 - A _________ clause gives a borrower the right to defeat and remove the lien by paying the indebtedness in full. defeasance
43 - The two types of foreclosure are ___________ and ___________. Judicial and Nonjudicial
43 - After default and up to the time a foreclosure sale is held, the borrower has a/an _____________, which means that he can redeem his property by paying the remaining amount of the debt, interest and lender's cost in initiating the foreclosure. equitable right of redemption
43 - ___________ allows the borrower to pay the debt plus accrued interest and costs in full after the foreclosure sale (time depends on location - up to 2 years) and thereby recover the property. Statutory Redemption
43 - Proceeds of a mortgage foreclosure sale are distributed in the following order: ___________, __________, ________ and __________. After that the lien holder is paid unless there are other lien holders who have priority over that lien. 1) court cost 2) trustee's fee 3) advertising fees 4) legal fees
43 - If the proceeds from the foreclosure sale are not sufficient to satisfy the balance due, the lender can sue for a _______________ on the note. deficiency judgement
44 - An agreement that grants one person the right to use the property of another for a certain period in return for valuable consideration is called a ___________. lease
44 - A lease agreement is a combination of what two things? 1) a conveyance creating a leasehold interest in a property 2) a contract outlining the rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant
44 - A leasehold estate is generally classified as the ______________ of the ____________. personal property lessee
44 - What are the six requirements for a valid lease? 1) competent parties 2) mutual assent 3) legality of object 4) signatures 5) valuable considerations 6) description of the leased property
44 - A lease must be in writing if it is for more than ___________. one year
44 - The most widely used statute for leases is the ______________. Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
44 - Does a landlord have an automatic right to inspect the leased premises? ____ What does a landlord have a right to do? no - but he is allowed to enter in the event of an emergency such as a fire or burst water pipes in order to protect the premises
44 - A landlord is obligated to _____________ and to ______________________. have the premises in habitable/liveable condition and to warn the tenant of any dangers that are not obvious, such as loose floor boards or electrical circuit problems
44 - Unless the lease states to the contrary, the tenant ________ to assign his/her rights and the landlord _________ the tenant to sublease it. is allowed must allow
44 - If a tenant subleases his/her property, then the original lease becomes a _________ lease. sandwich
44 - Failure to use the care a reasonable person would use in like circumstances is called ___________. negligence
44 - Under the law of negligence, a person is liable for damager that result to another person if ___________________________. a duty to that person is owed and the duty is not performed in a reasonable fashion.
44 - A landlord can be liable for negligence if he does not show _______________ by exercising the care that a reasonable and prudent person would exercise under like conditions. duty of care
44 - In addition to the basic duty of care, a landlord can also be liable for negligence if he fails to ______________________. comply with basic safety codes and laws.
45 - Today, in jurisdictions that have adopted specific landlord-tenant legislation, withholding rent (a rent strike) is ______________________. sometimes allowed
45 - In the case of a "slumlord" situation, where the landlord refuses to maintain the property, tenants are allowed to withhold rent but are required to ____________________________________. pay rent to the court for disbursement as the court may equitably decide.
45 - In some "slumlord" situations, the tenant can claim ___________________ and thus be relieved of the obligation to pay rent. In such cases, through the landlord's lack of care, the tenant has been evicted. constructive eviction
45 - To claim constructive eviction in most states, the tenant must actually ________________________ while the conditions that make the premises uninhabitable still exist. vacate the premises
45 - A _____________ is a sum of money deposited with a landlord that is to be refunded at the end of the lease. This money is intended to pay for _______________________________ -- not for ordinary cleaning and repainting. security deposit damages the tenant causes beyond the ordinary wear and tear
45 - A lease can be terminated by a landlord if a tenant __________________ such as by failing to pay rent. breaches the agreement
45 - If a tenant fails or refuses to vacate the premises, he is called a ______________. holdover tenant
45 - A landlord is allowed to ___________ a tenant using the court system. A landlord is not allowed to ____________, where he physically removes the tenant's access to the premises or takes action to prevent tenant access to the premises. evict self-help
45 - A suit for possession (when a tenant improperly retains possession of leased premises) is known as _______________. actual eviction
45 - Does a lease agreement typically terminate upon the death of the landlord or the tenant? typically not but it depends on what the lease says
45 - Leasehold estates are generally classified as __________________. estates in personal property
45 - Four principal types of leasehold estates 1) estate for years 2) periodic tenancy 3) tenancy at will 4) tenancy at sufferance
45 - A/an _____________ runs for only a fixed period of time. estate for years
45 - A/an ___________ runs for an indefinite number of time periods. periodic tenancy or periodic lease
45 - _______________ is a leasehold that runs for an indefinite number of time periods and automatically renews at the end of each lease until one party gives notice to the other at a prescribed time prior to the end of the lease. Periodic tenancy
45 - An estate in which either party may terminate the lease simply by giving notice to the other party is known as ___________. This estate is completely open-ended. An example is a parent renting to an adult child. tenancy at will or estate at will
45 - A tenant who was originally in lawful possession of another's property but who refuses to leave after his right to possession has an _____________. A tenant in this type of estate is called a _________ and not a trespasser. estate at sufferance tenant at sufferance
45 - A clause in a lease which addresses the possibility of a tenant's failure to vacate upon the expiration of an estate for years is called a ___________ clause. holdover
45 - A lease in which the tenant pays all or some of the expenses except principal or interest on the owner's debt is called a ______ least. net
45 - ___________, __________, and ___________ are not considered operating expenses and are not expenses of the building, therefore are not part of a net lease. income taxes depreciation mortgage payments
45 - A __________ lease is one in which the rental amount changes over time (usually increasing). graduated
45 - A/an ___________ lease is one in which the rent changes at agreed-upon intervals. escalated
45 - A _______________ lease is an agreement whereby the tenant pays a fixed rental rate and the building owner pays all the operating expenses. gross
45 - A lease in which the rental amount remains constant during the term of the lease is called a _______ or __________. fixed lease flat least
45 - With a __________ lease, rent amounts can change every 3-5 years, based on changes in property values. reappraisal
45 - Many retail commercial leases are ____________ leases, which charge a base rent in addition to monthly rent that is a percentage of the lessee's gross sales. percentage
45 - A lease on unimproved land, usually for construction purposes, is called a __________ lease. ground
45 - In ___________ leases, the landowner usually receives a one-time lease payment in exchange for giving the oil and gas company the right to drill on their property. Sometimes the owner is compensated with a percentage of the revenues from the drilling. oil and gas
45 - A transaction where a property owner sells a property to an investor and the investor immediately leases the property back to the seller is known as a ___________ lease. sale and leaseback
46 - A person who manages properties for owners as their agent is known as a ______________. property manager
46 - Because a property manager acts as the owner's agent in managing, renting, leasing, and perhaps selling the property, the property manager must ______________________________. have a real estate license
46 - A property manager's individual employment contract is called a ________________________________. management agreement
46 - Usually, a property manager's compensation is ________________________. a fixed percentage of all the rents collected
One of the most important functions of a property manager is to supervise ___________________. This can include: ________, __________, and ___________. physical property maintenance preventative maintenance corrective maintenance construction
46 - Ownership and use of real estate often brings risk, but property managers seeks to find ways to __________ or to ______________________________. control risk or to transfer risk by means of an insurance policy
47 - While mathematics is a helpful tool in making an appraisal, the final opinion of value is based primarily on _________________________________. the experience and training of the particular appraiser
47 - The three approaches to estimating market value (appraisals) are: 1) direct sales comparison approach 2) cost approach 3) income approach
47 - In terms of appraisal, value may be described as the ___________________ of __________________ derived from the _________________________________. present worth of future benefits derived from the ownership of real property.
47 - What is market value? the highest price in terms of money, which a property will bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale...
47 - Four characteristics needed to have value in the real estate market 1) demand 2) utility - capacity to satisfy human needs and desires 3) scarcity 4) transferability
47 - Market value implies a non-related buyer and seller in an _________ transaction in which both parties are dealing from equal bargaining positions. "arm's-length transaction"
47 - ___________ is a study of the usefulness or utility of a property without reference to the specific estimate of value. evaluation
47 - What are the six types of value that are often the subject or purpose of an appraisal? 1) market value (most important) 2) assessed value 3) insurance value 4) mortgage loan value 5) condemnation value 6) book value
47 - The __________ value is normally a percentage of the market value. It is determined by a local or state official and is applied to establish the amount of tax imposed on a property. assessed
47 - Assessed value is calculated by using what formula? market value x assessment rate = assessed value
47 - ___________ value is the cost of replacing or reproducing the structure in the event of a total loss. insurance
47 - Insurance value is calculated by: multiplying a square-foot replacement cost by the number of square feet in the structure -- doesn't include land value
47 - The ___________ value is whatever the lender believes the property will bring at a foreclosure sale or subsequent resale. mortgage
47 - ______________ value is the value of property that is condemned by eminent domain. Also, if the whole property isn't condemned, it's the difference in the market value of the property before and after condemnation. condemnation
47 - An artificial value used for accounting or tax purposes in connection with establishing a depreciation schedule for a property based on the property's useful life is called the ______ value. book
47 - ______________ is a non-cash expense that reduces the value of an asset over time. depreciation
47 - What are the three types of depreciation? 1) physical depreciation 2) functional obsolescence 3) external obsolescence
47 - Assuming a property is assigned the tax life of 27.5 years (according to the IRS), what is the rate of depreciation applied to real estate? 3.636%
47 - If a property originally cost $100,000 and it is 8 years old, how would you figure the straight line depreciation and how would you figure the present book value? 3.636% x 8 years = 29.09% 100%-29.09%=70.91% $100,000 x 70.91% = $70,910
47 - How does an appraiser come up with an appraisal report? He collects data in the three appraisal approaches (market data, cost, & income) and reconciles them using accepted appraisal principals and methods.
48 - Estimating the value of property by comparing the prices paid for similar properties and concluding the value accordingly is called ________________. comparative market analysis
48 - The ___________ is a listing tool that a sales agent prepares in order to show a seller what the home is likely to sell for. It also helps an agent decide whether or not to accept a listing. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
48 - The CMA is different from an appraisal because _____________________________. it not only looks at homes that have sold, it also looks at homes that are for sale now and homes that were for sale but didn't sell
48 - Real estate is evaluated on a __________, not objective, basis. A home does not have value just because it is there (objective); it has value due to numerous characteristics, such as the location, the quality, and the size, among other items. subjective
48 - __________ is the desire or need for property coupled with the financial ability to satisfy the need Effective demand
48 - Feasible use that will produce the highest current value is called the __________________ highest and best use
49 - The income allocated to the land a residual income under the principle of highest and best use is defined as ______. economic rent
49 - The rent agreed upon in a contract between landlord and tenant is called _____________. contract rent
49 - Under the principle of __________, the highest value of a property has a tendency to be established by the cost of purchasing or constructing another property of equal utility and desirability if the substitution
49 - __________ occurs when a large elegant home is located in a neighborhood of modest ranch-style homes. regression
49 - The principle of ___________ states that the worth of a lesser object is increased by being located among better objects, such as a modest ranch style home located in the middle of a neighborhood or large elegant homes. progression
49 - Under the principle of ___________, property value is based on the expectation of future benefits of ownership anticipation
49 - The principle of ______________, also called the principle of diminishing returns, states that various elements of a property add value to the entire property. It means that we should invest dollars whenever they will return to us more than $1 of value and stop when it doesn't. contribution
49 - The principle of __________ states that when the net profit a property generates is excessive, others will be drawn to produce similar properties. competition
50 - What are the first two steps of the appraisal process? 1) Define the appraisal problem or purpose (because it may prescribe the approaches to be used) 2) Obtain a complete and accurate description of the property
50 - The ________or ________ is the primary appraisal approach for estimating the value of single family, owner-occupied dwellings and vacant land. comparison approach or market data method
50 - The _________ approach, also called _________________, is the primary method used to estimate the present value of properties that produce income, such as single-family rental homes, apt complexes, mobile home parks, parking lots, malls, office buildings, etc. income appraisal by capitalization
50 - How is the value of a property estimated using the income approach? by converting net annual income into an indication of present value by application of a capitalization rate -- the formula is: annual net income divided by cap rate = value
50 - The ___________ can be described as a desired rate of return by the marketplace for a type of investment. capitalization rate
50 - ___________, _________ and _________ are used in an analysis to produce the net income, which applies to the capitalization formula: income divided by rate = value income vacancy rate expenses
51 - What does it mean to capitalize the income stream and what is the formula for this? The monetary returns a property is expected to produce are converted into a value that the property should sell for -- converting future value to current value income ÷ rate = value
51 - ________________ expenses are those expenses necessary to maintain the production of income -- they will vary from month to month. operating
51 - ___________ are those expenses that do not fluctuate with the operating level of the complex. fixed expenses
51 - The third type of expense for a property is _____________. This represents the amount of money set aside to replace equipment and make improvements. replacement reserve
51 - What are the three categories of expenses for a business property? 1) fixed 2) operating 3) replacement reserves
51 - What are the two types of depreciation? actual and fictional
51 - Over how many years does the IRS currently allow a purchaser to completely depreciate a structure? 27 1/2 -- regardless of the age or condition of the structure
51 - The lower the cap rate, the _______ the value. higher
51 - The higher the cap rate, the _____ the value. lower
51 - It's hard to come up with a cap rate, but usually it is _______________. it's the rate that other investors are achieving with like investments in the same area
51 - A _____ ratio of quick assets to current liabilities is generally acceptable for a business firm. 1:1
52 - What is the CAP rate designed to reflect? It's designed to reflect the recapture of the original investment over the economic life of the improvement to give the investor an acceptable rate of return on his original investment and to provide for the return of the invested equity.
52 - What is the formula for finding out the cap rate? investment rate + recapture rate = cap rate
52 - What is the formula for finding out the estimated value? net operating income ÷ cap rate = estimated value
52 - The _____________ is an economic comparison factor that relates the gross rent a property can produce to its purchase price. This is also called a ___________________. gross rent multiplier gross income multiplier
52 - What is the formula for computing the gross rent multiplier (GRM)? sales price ÷ gross annual rent = GRM
52 - In figuring GRM, 1-4 unit residential properties use a________ GRM, while larger properties use a/an _________ GRM. monthly annual
52 - GRM (gross rent multiplier) has a degree of unreliability because _____________________. calculations are based on gross income rather than net income
52 - The ___________method is the most useful for appraising new or proposed construction, and also for service properties such as churches or post offices. cost approach
52 - How does the direct sales comparison approach work and what type properties is it best for? it compares the prices of recently sold properties which are similar to the one being evaluated it's best for residential properties
52 - How does the income approach work and which types of properties is it used for the most? it depends on the use of the GRM it's used most for investment properties
52 - What are the four steps involved in the cost approach? 1) estimate the value of the land 2) est. the cost of const. a similar building 3) calculate the amount of money that rep. the subject building's wear and tear 4) subtract depreciation from construc. costs to give the current value
52 - The most accurate but also most time-consuming and complex method of estimating reproduction or replacement costs is the ________________ method. quantity survey method
52 - The most widely used method of estimating reproduction or replacement costs is the _____________ method. square-foot method
52 - The ___________ method of estimating reproduction or replacement costs involves the detailed determination of the exact quantity of each type of material to be used in the construction and the material & labor costs for each unit. quantity survey method
52 - ___________ results from outmoded equipment, faulty or outdated design, inadequate structural facilities, over-adequate structural facilities. Functional obsolescence
52 - Functional obsolescence can be separated into two categories: ___________ and _______________. curable and incurable
52 - ___________ is the loss of value due to external forces or events outsides the property boundaries such as the closing of a local job source. Economic or External obsolescence
52 - Every structure has two ages: the _________ age and the __________ age. chronological and effective
52 - Chronological age is measured by _________________________. the number of years the structure has existed
52 - Effective age refers to ________________________________. the age the structure appears to be based on its condition
52 - What are the three traditional formats for appraisal reports? letter, form, narrative appraisal
53 - The process where an impartial third party, such as an attorney, an escrow company or a title company, is entrusted with the job of seeing that the transfer of ownership takes place according to the terms of the contract. closing escrow settlement
53 - The way the buyer wants to take title to the property is referred to as __________. vesting
53 - What is the most important thing for a real estate agent to remember to do before closing? make certain that all the conditions on the purchase contract have been met
53 - What are the two most common types of closings? 1) face-to-face closing at office of attorney, lender, or title company 2) escrow closing (not face-to-face)
54 - RESPA prohibits certain practices in real estate transactions, including _________ or ___________________. kickbacks or paying unearned fees in exchange for referrals
55 - The first significant statute affecting equal housing opportunities is the _____________________. Civil Rights Act of 1866
55 - The 1866 equal rights law contains the blanket statement that all citizens have the same rights to ________________. inherit, buy, sell or lease all real and personal property.
55 - The ____________ prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. It is also referred to as ______________. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 Fair Housing Act
55 - The Fair Housing Act was amended in 1974 and 1988 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of ________, _________ or ___________. sex mental or physical handicap familial status
55 - Although the Fair Housing Act intended to provide fair housing, it wasn't very effective until 1988 because it lacked a means for ____________. enforcement
55 - Congress passed sweeping amendments to the Fair Housing Act in _______ which took effect in _______. 1988/1989
55 - What are the penalties that can be imposed for discriminating in housing? First offense - up to $10,000 $25,000 if a second offense occurs within 5 years $50,000 if two or more violations occur within seven years
55 - The ___________Act took effect in 1992 to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
55 - The ADA defines disability as __________________________________. a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of a person.
55 - The ADA is enforced by the ____________________________. U. S. Attorney General
55 - Violations for violating the ADA can be up to __________ for the first offense and up to ____________ for subsequent offenses. $50,000/ $100,000
56 - Title I of ADA is about ____________. employment
56 - Title II of ADA is about ________. public entities and public transportation
56 - Title III of ADA is about ___________. public accommodations and commercial facilities
56 - Title IV of ADA is about ___________. telecommunications
56 - Title V of ADA is about ____________. ADA's relationship to others laws and other misc. issues
57 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruling of _______________ in _________ held that separate facilities were okay as long as they were "equal." Plessy vs. Ferguson - 1896
57 - In ______, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the "separate but equal" decision from Plessy v. Ferguson in the _______________ decision. 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education
57 - In 1962, President Kennedy signed an executive order, entitled ___________, but it had a limited impact. Equal Opportunity in Housing
57 - In June of 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision in ___________, and held that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 banned private as well as government racial discrimination in housing. Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co.
57 - Which amendment abolished slavery? 13th
57 - Which amendment prohibited government discrimination? 14th
58 - _________ means slanting the choices of listed property made available to minority prospects, so that the properties most suitable to the prospect in terms of quality, price and needs, appear to be available only in minority or changing neighborhoods. Steering
59 - ____________ occurs when a person, for profit, induces or attempts to induce a person to sell or rent a dwelling by making representations regarding the entry into the neighborhood of persons of a particular race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or natl. origin. Blockbusting
59 - Exceptions to the Fair Housing Act: 1) sale of a single-family home by owner 2) "Mrs. Murphy's Boarding House" 3) Religious Organizations 4) Private Clubs
60 - When was the Alabama Real Estate Commission established? 1927
60 - How long should all but one member of the Alabama Real Estate Commission be a realtor before serving? 10 years
60 - How many people from a U.S. Congressional district may serve at the same time? no more than one
60 - How long are terms for the AREC and how many can they serve consecutively? 5 years two
60 - All appointments shall expire on ____________ of the final year of a term or ____________________________. Sept. 30th on the date a successor is appointed and confirmed
60 - One member of the AREC is a _______________ member. Some of the conditions for this member are _______________________________. consumer owns property and has not been a realtor in previous ten years and not related to a realtor
60 - The executive director and asst. exec. director are employed based on _________, ______________, and ___________________. education experience skills in admin. & mgt.
AL - Explain the composition of the AL Real Estate Commission 9 members -- with: 1 from each Congressional District 1 who isn't licensed or rel. to a licensee 1 black person appointed by the governor, confirmed by the Senate, 21 years or older, resident at least 10 yrs., no felonies, own property
AL - What is the purpose of the AL Real Estate Commission? Protect the public Require license as proof of qual. regulate the business
AL - Any broker other than a qualifying broker is a/an ____________________. associate broker
AL - A fee paid to a broker is a ___________. commission
AL - A lawful business organization is a ________________. business
AL - A broker under whom a lawfully constituted business organization operates is a ____________. qualifying broker
AL - Four ways for a license to be inactive: 1) by the commission office by law 2) by order of the commission 3) by request of licensee 4) because it was not renewed
AL - Any broker, salesperson or company is referred to as a/an ________________. licensee
AL - What is the renewal period information for a license? October 1 - September 30 Renews on odd years Must renew by August 31 or $150 penalty
AL - A rural person may operate from home if: 1) separate entrance 2) separate phone 3) signage 4) no other salespersons working out of that office
AL - If a broker is in the city limits, what are the rules for his/her office? 1) separate office, phone, signage 2) zoned commercial 3) records shall be kept at office
AL - A license is required for doing these things in Alabama: (use acrostic) B Buy A Aid R Rent N Negotiate S Sell A Auction L Lease E Exchange
AL - You don't just have to have a license to _______________, you have to have a license to ____________ or _____________. actually sell, etc. offer to sell, etc. negotiate to sell, etc.
AL - What is a license NOT required for? 1) sell, etc. - personally owned property of that of a spouse, child or parent 2) attorney performing attorney duties 3) acting w/o comp. under power of atty 4) receiver, trustee, executor, or guardian or acting under court order or authority under a will or trust
AL - Is an auctioneer required to have a real estate license? yes
AL - Is it required to have a license to buy, sell, or offer to buy or sell or otherwise deal in options on real estate situated in AL? yes
AL - Do you have to have a license to aid, attempt or offer to aid in locating real estate for purchase in AL? yes
AL - Do apartment managers in AL have to have a real estate manager? no
AL - Does a condo manager have to have a real estate license in AL? yes
AL - Does a time share seller have to have a license in AL? no - but they have to have a different license
AL - Is a real estate license required to sell cemetery lots in AL? no
AL - In regards to an out-of-state co-brokerage, the AL broker shall: (6 things) 1) joint listing 2) supervise showing and negotiating 3) be named in all advertising 4) AL broker is liable for all acts 5) AL broker to determine license status 6) AL broker holds earnest money
AL - No person may serve as a qualifying broker for more than one company unless: (3 things) 1) all companies consent in writing 2) file this consent with commission 3) must be in same location
AL - How old does a person have to be in order to be licensed in AL? 19
AL - A person whose application ____________________ is eligible to apply for a real estate license in AL. has not been rejected or revoked in another state within 2 years except for failing exam
AL - The fee for renewing a license is _____ for a salesperson and _____ for a broker. $85 for a salesperson $95 for a broker
AL - Does an applicant have to have a college degree? no - but they do have to have a high school diploma
AL - What are the continuing education requirements for AL licensure? 9 hours of elective credit 6 hours of Risk Management
AL - What is the deadline for completing continuing education requirements in order to keep license from becoming inactive? September 30 of renewal year
AL - A licensee must complete ________ before applying for original license. a 30-hour post-license class
AL - To transfer a license, you must _____________ and then _______________. notify current broker in writing go to and change online by going inactive, then activating with a new broker and paying $25 + $4 service charge
AL - What is the charge for any change to license? $25
AL - A new licensee must get a ____________ within _____________ and before ______________________. temporary license 6 months attending post license class
AL - If an inactive license is not renewed within the next 12 months, it _______ and the licensee must ______________. lapses start over
AL - A licensee may stay inactive for ____________ . as long as desired
AL - For a licensee to reactivate a license, he/she must ___________, ____________, and ______________. meet current 15 hour CE requirement get a broker pay $25
AL - Each company location must have two things: 1) company license 2) qualifying broker at location
AL - Three responsibilities of a qualifying broker: 1) responsible for all acts of salespersons 2) responsible for all damages caused by salespersons 3) duty to see all transactions comply with the law
AL - Requirements for broker license: 1) been salesperson for 24 of previous 36 months 2) high school or equivalent diploma 3) 60 hr. broker course 4) original broker license 5) registered to specific real estate office
AL - To get an AL reciprocal broker's license, the applicant must complete ____________ and _____________. 6 hours of AL real estate law 40 question test
AL - In the event of death or disability of a qualifying broker, what happens to a company? 1) license becomes invalid 2) within 30 days, they may designate a person to act as temporary QB (may be a salesperson w/1 yr experience) 3) may operate under temporary broker for up to 6 months
AL - What is the purpose of the recovery fund? through it, an aggrieved party may recover actual or compensatory damages as a result of conduct in real estate law
AL - Can a broker or salesperson use the recovery fund when acting on his/her own behalf? no
AL - Can the Recovery Fund be used for time share? no
When applying for an original license, a salesperson or broker will pay a _________ fee of __________ into the Recovery Fund. one time $30
AL - When the balance of the Recovery Fund drops below ________, each active licensee will be required to pay an additional _____________. $500,000 $30
AL - When a aggrieved person recovers a valid judgment against a licensee, the license ______________________. will be revoked until money is repaid by licensee
Payment limits from the Recovery Fund are ___________ per transaction to a total limit of _____________. $25,000 per transaction $50,000 total
AL - Any violation of the real estate law is a _______________ and is punishable by a fine of __________________ as well as _______________________. Class A misdemeanor $100-$2500 suspension or revocation of license
AL - The licensee who procures a written offer in a single family residence shall prepare _______________ and also furnish __________________________. an itemized statement of all costs associated with the sale based on best estimates a detailed closing statement HUD1 at closing
AL - Presentiing a bad check to the AREC will cost _____________. $250
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