

Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Flashcards on Untitled, created by bnusbau1 on 05/09/2013.
Flashcards by bnusbau1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bnusbau1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
centrioles assist in cell division, microtubule formation
chromosomes store and pass on genetic info
golgi apparatus stores and delivers various proteins
lysosomes digest cell debris and bacteria
microfilaments support cytoplasm, cell movement
microtubules provide cell framework and movement of parts of cells
mitochondria produce energy for the cell
nucleus genetic control center via both DNA and ribosome synthesis
plasma membrane surrounding barrier of a single cell; separates intercellular material from extracellular material and dictates entry and exit of material from the cell
ribosomes synthesize protein as directed by genetic info
rough (granular) endoplasmic reticulum protein production, stored and released
smooth (agranular) endoplasmic reticulum stores and releases enzymes and calcium for muscle contraction
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