Basic Model Of Memory


Flashcards on Basic Model Of Memory, created by Matthew Klava on 08/02/2015.
Matthew Klava
Flashcards by Matthew Klava, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Klava
Created by Matthew Klava over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sensory Input Refers to the information received from the surroundings
Short Term Sensory Store Area of the brain that receives information and holds it for a short time (less than 1 second)
Selective Attention Process of sorting out which bits of information are relevant
Short Term Memory Part of the brain that keeps information for a short period (20-30 seconds) Improved by chunking
Long Term Memory Part of the brain that retains information for long periods of time (Limit less)
Decision Making The process which a desired outcome is chosen
Feedback Process of sending information back to the performer via results of movement or the performers body
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