Chemistry Chapter 1 Vocabulary


Chapter vocabulary
Constance Randall
Flashcards by Constance Randall, updated more than 1 year ago
Constance Randall
Created by Constance Randall almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Atoms Submicroscopic particles. Building blocks of matter
Molecules Atoms formed into a particular structure
Hypothesis An educated guess.
Experiment Procedure used to confirm or refute the hypothesis
Scientific Law A brief statement of previous observations and future predictions.
Law of Conservations of Mass In chemical reactions matter is neither created or destroyed
Theory A model explaining nature's actions and reasons of occurrence
Atomic Theory Atoms can not be created or destroyed. A reaction can occur however the mass and particles will remain the same
Matter Anything that occupies space. Also many atoms forming together for stability
Substance Specific matter
State Physical form
Composition Composition, states of matter Solid,Liquid,Gas
Solid Tightly packed particles
Liquid Partially tight particles
Gas Loose and free moving
Crystalline Atoms/Molecules that are in a long-range repeating pattern
Amorphous Atoms/Molecules that are NOT in a long-range repeating pattern
Heterogeneous Composition(solid,liquid,gas) varies through regions
Homogeneous Composition(S,L,G) is the same throughout the region
Pure Substance Only one component Composition does not change
Mixture 2 components Composition does change
Element Can not be broken down(chemically)
Compound Can be broken down Involves 2+ components, fixed
Physical Changes change that only alters only the state/appearance but does not change the composition
Chemical Changes Atoms rearrange, transforming the original substance into something new
Physical Property Property/Substance shown without changing its composition
Chemical Property Property/substance shown changing its composition via chemical change
Kinetic Energy Energy in motion/use
Potential Energy Energy potential/ when energy is not in use
Thermal Energy The energy associated with the temperature of a object
Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is neither created or destroyed
Energy The capacity to do work
Work Action of force through a difference(distance?)
Mass Number Protons (p) +Neutrons (n)
Atomic Number Number of Protons (p)
Protons Positive charge
Neutrons No charge
Electron Negative charge
Group Indicates the number of protons (Atomic#)
Period Indicates the number of shells (Mass#)
Prefix Multiplier International system of units, changes the value of a unit by powers of ten
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