What is Psychology: Module 1 - Flahcards


TaTamikia Holcombe
Flashcards by TaTamikia Holcombe, updated more than 1 year ago
TaTamikia Holcombe
Created by TaTamikia Holcombe over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Functionalism Relations between conscious experience and behavior
Behaviorism The school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior
What is the goal of the psychologist? To describe, explain, predict, and control the events he or she studies
Gestalt Psychology Focuses on perception and how perception influences thinking and problem solving
Theory A set of hypothesized statements about the relationships among events.
Introspection Careful examination of one's thoughts and emotions.
Structuralism The school of psychology that argues that the mind consists of three basic elements--sensations, feelings, and images--that combine to form experience
reinforcement a stimulus that follows a response and increases the frequency of the response
psychoanalysis the school of psychology that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as determinants of human behavior
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