Advanced Vocabulary Test for Creative Writing


I had an English Vocabulary test on advanced words for descriptive writing.. and that's about it, hope you can use them to :)
Flashcards by ElliseG, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ElliseG almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ubiquitous Ever Present
Capricious Impulsive
Insidious When something subtly appears over time
Misogynistic Dislike towards women
Fastidious Precise
Perfidious Deceitful
Insouciant To relax,carefree
Mesmeric Captivating
Insatiable Never Satisfied
Phosphorescence An evident light with an unknown source
Abundant Plentiful
Enigmatic Mysterious
Malevolent Having or showing a wish to do evil to other
Nefarious Sly
Repugnant Appauling
Vivacious Attractively Lively and animated
Wistful Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing
Extraneous Irrelevant or Unrelated
Grandiose Extravagantly or pretentiously imposing in a appearance or style
Imperturbable Unable to be upset or excited;calm
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