Components of Fitness


GCSE Physical Education (PE) Flashcards on Components of Fitness, created by Rachel Simms on 21/03/2020.
Rachel Simms
Flashcards by Rachel Simms, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by aidanday35 over 10 years ago
Rachel Simms
Copied by Rachel Simms over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the 12 components of fitness. Cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, strength, body composition, power, agility, reaction time, speed, coordination, balance and timing.
Define cardiovascular endurance, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. The ability of your heart to pump carbon dioxide and oxygen around your body. Marathon. Multi-stage fitness test (bleep test).
Define flexibility, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. The range of movement at a join. High jump (arching your back). Sit and reach test.
Define muscular endurance, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. The ability of your muscles to work over a long period of time. Boxing, punching an opponent. Abdominal curl test.
Define strength, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. The ability of your muscle to exert maximum force. Weight lifting. Hand grip dynamo-meter.
Name the three types of strength. Dynamic strength, static strength, explosive strength
Define dynamic strength. Muscles change length and contract repeatedly to produce movement.
Define explosive strength. Short sharp burst of strength.
Define static strength. Against an immovable object.
Define body composition, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Body fat to muscle ratio. Sumo wrestlers need to have body fat. Body fat calipers.
Define power, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Speed x strength. High jump (have to jump high). Vertical wall jump.
Define agility, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. The speed in which you can change direction. Netball when pivoting. Illinois agility test.
Define reaction time, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Ability to respond to an external stimulus. Fielding in the slips in cricket. Ruler drop test.
Define speed, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Ability to move parts of the body as quickly as possible. Running down the wing in football. 30m sprint.
Define coordination, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Ability to move 2 or more body parts at the same time in a controlled manner. Catching a ball. Tennis ball test.
Define balance, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Ability to maintain center of gravity over a fixed point. Handstand. Stork stand.
Define timing, give a sporting example and state the fitness test. Responding and coordinating your movements to an external stimulus. Hitting a cricket ball. There is no test for timing.
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