Aforest techniques


Flashcards on Aforest techniques, created by aberg56 on 06/03/2015.
Flashcards by aberg56, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aberg56 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
AFOREST alliteration facts opinion rhetorical question/repetition emotive language statistic rule of three(tripling)
alliteration The same letter or sound at the beginning is repeated e.g. soft sally sang in the sun
facts A statement which is true. e.g. the level of co2 is rising each year because we use up to much of electricity
opinion What someone thinks about something e.g. she seems like a nice girl
rhetorical question A question that makes people think but does not need to be answered e.g. why sit on your bum all day when you can have fun?
repetition Words repeated many times e.g. you are wonderful but you lack intelligence as you can't answer this simple question.
emotive language Emotive language is used to make the reader/audience feel some emotion such as guilty sad excited etc. e.g. many children are being abused every day. Please act now
statistic A fact that includes numbers e.g. about 7in10 people die of heart attacks due to eating unhealthily. this is over 20,000 people in the UK
rule of three (tripling) It's when things come in three e.g. people get bigger each year because of unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and lack of the right nutritions.
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