Exam 4


Flashcards on Exam 4, created by ron on 21/09/2013.
Flashcards by ron, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ron over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Threshold Potential Vm required to activate Na+ channels
When threshold potential is met Stimulus is then generated by Na+ influx Everything looks the same as long as the threshold potential is met
Weak depolarization Sub threshold potential--nothing happens
Action Potential Amplitude (aka size) Independent of stimulus, as long as threshold is met No change in action potential based on stimulus (differs from graded potential)
Local Anasthetics Block Na+ channels--so there is no big depolarization So action potential doesn't happen, pain signal is stopped
Propagation of Action Potentials (Adjacent Sections of Plasma Membrane) One starts the next Like the wave Signal doesn't change over distance/size Unidirectional
Propogation of action potentials is mostly unidirectional because Necessary for speed Due to 1) hyper-polarization 2) Na+ channel blocked
Myelin's effect on potentials Aides graded potentials blocks action potentials causing an increase in conduction velocity
Saltatory Conduction APs only at nodes of ranvier jump to next node via gp
Postsynaptic Neuron Inputs from many presynaptic neurons can occur Can be Exicatatory or inhibitory
Excicatory input Stimulating Input=depolarizing
Inhibiting Input Hyperpolarizing
Temporal summations When input signals arrive from the same presynaptic cell at different times
Spatial Summation When two inputs are received from different presynaptic cells at the same time
The more complex our synapses are The more connections we have More opportunities for events
Presynaptic factors on Synapse strength Availability of neurotransmitter Ca2+ availability Receptor availability Membrane potential
Postsynaptic factors on synapse strength Receptor availability Membrane Potential Other synaptic inputs
Cerebral Cortex aka Cerebrum Perception, voluntary movement, language, learning, memory
2 Distinct parts of cerbral cortex Grey matter (outer shell): Clustered cell bodies of interneurons=nuclei White matter (inner layer) Axons (myelin is white)
Cerbral Ventricles 4 fluid filled chambers (headache)
Corpus Callusum Massive bundle of axons Connects two hemispheres
Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus
Thalamus Major relay station of motor control; crude sensation (ie. is somthing moving quickly toward you?)
Hypothalamus Located below the thalamus Critical to homeostatic regulation, links nervous and endocrine system
Forebrain Consists of cerebrum and diencephalon
Cerebellum Balence, muscle tone, coordination
Brain Stem Key to life: basic controls for: Cardiac Respiration digestion-swallowing and vommiting (making sure digestion doesn't impact respiration)
Anatomy of Spinal Cord Grey Matter and White Matter
Spinal Cord: Grey Matter Interneurons, cell bodies and dendrites of efferent neurons, axons of afferent and glial cells
Spinal Cord: White Matter Bidirectional (input on one side, output on other) Dorsal side=afferent Ventral Side=efferent (efferent more important, saber tooth)
Anatomy of PNS (components) Spinal nerves, cranial nerves, clustered cell bodies, grouped axons
Anatomy of PNS: Spinal nerves Exit via vertebral column
Anatomy of PNS: Cranial Nerves Exit via skull openings (foramen)
Anatomy of PNS: Clustered cell bodies =ganglia (same strucutre as nuclei in CNS)
Anatomy of PNS: Grouped axons =nerves (Pathways or tracts)
Groups of neuron cell bodies In PNS: Ganglia In CNS: Nuclei
Acetyllcholine (ACh) Key Neurotransmitter Involved in congnition, behavior, glands and organs Rapidly destroyed by ACH-esterase
Biogenic amines Dopamine, norepinephrine, seratonin, histamine Imacts things happening in brainstem and hypolthalamus Conscieness, mood, endocrine regulation
Biogenic amines Dopamine, norepinephrine, seratonin, histamine Imacts things happening in brainstem and hypolthalamus Conscieness, mood, endocrine regulation
Ammino Acids Some exicatory, some inhibatory
Necropeptides Atlease 2 ammino acids togeather (small chain) also serve as endocrines and paracrines
Autonomic and Somatic Nervous systems both send signals from CNS to effector cells Are part of efferent, which is part of Peripheral Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System 2 neurons Innervates: smooth muscle, cardiace muscles, glands, gastroinstestinal neurons Results: Excites and Inhibits
Somatic Nervous System One Neuron Innervates: skeletal muscle Results: Excites only
Purpose of autonomic nervous system Regulate automatic, visceral responses
Method of Autonomic Nervous System two opposing systems (gas/brake) sympathecitc vs parasyphatic Most effects are innervated by both Preganglionic or postganglionic neruons
Sympathetic Nervous System (info about) Function: Fight or flight (gas) Ganglion Location: closer to spinal cord (s clsr to s) Pre Nerotransmitter: ACH Post Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine, Epiniephrine
Parasympathetic Nervous Sytem (actions) Function: Rest or regroup (brake) Ganglion location: closer to effector organ Pre Neurostransmitter: ACh Post Neurotransmitter: ACh
Adrenal Medulla (Sympathetic Category) endocrine gland that forms inner core of adrenal gland, secretes amine hormones, mainly epinephrine Can reach distant organs
Sympathetic (actions) Dialate Pupil Increase cardiac output Relax bronchiles Decrease gut motility
Sensory Nervous System Purpose: detect and relay info about environment to CNS
Two designs for sensory nervous system Dicretly by neuron end (faster) Receptor cell to neron end (more common, because can have different types)
Nocireceptors Sense pain; extreme heat or tissue damage
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