I wish..If I..I would.ExtraPractice


I wish...If I..I would. ExamPrep.
Erika Corona
Flashcards by Erika Corona, updated more than 1 year ago
Erika Corona
Created by Erika Corona over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I want to have more friends. I wish... ...I had more friends.
I want to work harder in school. I wish... ...I worked harder in school.
I want to be more outgoing. I wish... ...I were more outgoing.
If Joey......(be) taller, he .....(score) more points. If Joey WERE taller, he WOULD SCORE more points.
I want my family to adopt a dog. I wish... ...my family adopted a dog.
If James ....(have) more money, he ....(buy) a new car. If James HAD more money, he WOULD BUY a new car.
If Emi and Sue....(live) in a bigger apartment, they....(have) a pet. If Emi and Sue LIVED in a bigger apartment, they WOULD HAVE a pet.
I don´t like to wake up so early! I wish... ...I didn´t have to wake up so early!
If Esteban and Pilar....... (have) two TVs, they..... (not have) to watch the same TV shows. If Esteban and Pilar HAD two TVs, they WOULD NOT HAVE to watch the same TV shows.
If Wanda.....(live) in the country, she...... (ride) a horse. If Wanda LIVED in the country, she WOULD RIDE a horse.
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