Travel and Tourism Revision Cards


Flashcards on Travel and Tourism Revision Cards, created by 51304 on 24/03/2015.
Flashcards by 51304, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 51304 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does GDP mean? Gross Domestic Product
What does GDP mean? Measuring the values of all goods and services
What is sustainable tourism? Meeting the needs of present tourists and protecting the natural and cultural environment for the future
What is outbound tourism? Travelling to a different country for a visit or a holiday
What is inbound tourism? Visitors overseas coming into the UK
What is domestic tourism? Taking holidays and trips around the UK
What is leisure travel? Day trips, Holidays, Short Breaks
What is business travel? Meetings, Conferences and events
What is speacialist travel? Adventure, Education, Health, Dark Tourism
What are the roles of a travel agent? Offering expert advice Offering guidance Arranging/Booking trips Booking excurtions
Problems with online agents? Flexible prices Less information Less reliable Different sites
What is the role of a tour operator? Putting together packages for holidays made out of the accommodation and transport
What is vertical integration? Two companies offering the same products merge, or one takes over the other
What is vertical integration? Different companies will fulfil different parts of the holiday. This forms different stages which in a company
What is a Private Organisation Businesses that are run by one person or family members
What is a Public Organisation? Businesses that are mainly run by the goverment
What is a volutary Organisation? An organisation that are often charities. They are not made to make a profit. They take in donations and sell merchandise to fund their cause
What is an advantage of vertical integration? Provding good customer care - they make sure that customers are being treated respectfully and make sure they are provided with everything they need
What is a disadvantage of vertical and horizontal integration? Less Customer Choice - because companies have merged together, customers have less of choice and will have to go to them
What are consolidators? Compamies that buy large amounts of tickets from the major airlines at large prices and resell them at discount prices
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