Enlightened Despotis


Enlightened Despotis
Flashcards by CAMILA TAPIA CRUZ, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CAMILA TAPIA CRUZ over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Frederick the Great King of Prussia. Invited Voltaire to his court. Improved education. Free religion. Promoted industry, agriculture, and commerce.
Peter the Great Introduce ideas of Western as science, education, industry, etc.
Catherine the Great she read the ideas of the Enlightenment and import them to Russia. Codified Russian law, created hospitals.
Maria Theresa The throne was weak so she decide to make reforms. Nacional army, limit power of Catholic Church, revised taxes and bureaucracy. Improve education system.
Joseph II Son of Maria Teresa I. abolish serfdom, single tax for everyone. Tolerance for more religions. abolish capital punishment. reformed the educational and judicial system. Hospitals.
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