Health & Social - Unit 2


Flash cards
Flashcards by shannon.chandler, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shannon.chandler about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is type 2 diabeted and how is it caused? Difficulty in maintaining a normal blood glucose level It can be caused by genetics and if the body doesn't produce enough insulin
Give two major symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Insufficient sleep Fatigue Weight loss Increased hunger
Describe the lifestye changes that a person with type 2 diabetes can help to manage their diabetes and expalin how these changes may be of benefit to him Regular exercise which increases energy demands Reducing blood glucose levels and the need for insulin to facilitate the conversion of glucose to glycogen Healthy diet which is rich in carbohydrates to help stabalise blood glucose levels They can check their blood glucose levels and make the appropriate dietary adjustments
Explain what is meant by schizophrenia. It's a mental illness Which is disruptive and impairs a person's sense of reality
Give three different symptoms of schizophrenia. Neglecting personal care Hearing imaginary voices Rambling speech Imapaired concentration Having irrational beliefs
Discuss the potential impacts of schizophrenia on the patient and their family. The patient will lack energy to do everyday tasks like looking after the children They might be at risk of suicide They could harm themself whilst behaving irrationally Impacts their family emotionally as the family will be concerned about their health They family's intellegence could be affected as they might not be able to concentrate It might impact them finacially as it could impact their work performance The partner will need to watch for signs of relapse Patient socially as they will become withdrawn
Outline the medical interventions which could be used to treat schizophrenia. The patient is likely to need hospital inpatient treatment Antipsychotic drugs Possible councelling Cognitive behavioural therapy
Explain what is meant by stroke and how it is caused. Damage to the brain Caused by an interruption to the blood supply Or an arterial bleed-haemorrhage Blood clot
Give four symptoms of stroke. Lack of mobility on one side of the body Numbness on one side of the body Loss of sight Slurred speech Vomitting Difficulty in maintaining balance
Explain what is meant by a patient-centred approach to care. Need to put patient at the centre of the approach Involve the patient in all decisions about their treatment for their condition Showing them compassion as the patient could feel vulnerable Treat the patient with dignity Respect it will gain a greater involvement from the patient in their own care Support the patient to make lifestyle changes Enable the patient to make informed choices
Describe the impact of obesity on the patient's health and well-being. It will put strain on their organs On their joints like knees Shortness of breath Increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease Premature death Depression High blood pressure
Describe an appropriate patient care pathway to help treat and manage obesity. Go to a GP They will measure height and weight for BMI Consider patient history Talk to patient about issue Put Tara at centre of the care Assess motivation to change Discuss current lifestyle and level of physical activity Keep confidentiality of the patient's weight problems Advise them on diets and lifestyle changes Refer them to other programmes like a health care assistant Monitor weight-loss for minimum of 3-6 months More active support then seen more often If weight loss unsuccessful and patient still motivated to change Dietician provides assessment GP may recommend phrmacist If this is unsuccessful - surgery may be necessary Monitoring of weight should take place and the patient should be referred back into pathway if relapse occurs
What is gonorrhoea? Give two causes. STI Caused by bacteria Through unprotected vaginal sex
Describe two major symptoms of gonorrhoea. Vaginal discharge Heavier periods than usual Pain during sex
Describe the medical intervention for gonorrhoea. Treated with a single dose of antibiotics As a pill Strains are antibiotic resistant Combination of two antibiotics is used
Describe the potential impact of gonorrhoea on the patient. Physically as it could cause infertilty Long term pelvic pain Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy Emotionally as embarassed Worried about impact on fertilty Socially as patient might become withdrawn form friends Intellectually as may be unable to concentrate at work Become more educated about STIs
Describe what coronary heart is. When the heart's blood suppy is is stopped By a build up of fatty deposits In the coronary arteries Can lead to heart attack and angina
Give three symptoms of coronary heart disease. Chest pains Fainting Heart disease High blood pressure
Outline the lifestyle changes which the patient could make to help manage coronary heart disease. If they smoke, they could stop Start exercising Lose weight if overweight Cut down on salt Cut down on alcohol
Discuss the potential impacts of CHD on the patient and their family. Patient suffer physically as may find it difficult to manage changes in diet Find it hard to motivate for exercise Patient emotionally as feel stressed/ worried and so will their family Family socially as may become withdrawn from friends May impact patient and family financially Patient and family may be unable to concetrate at work or school
What is anorexia nervosa? Give two causes of anorexia nervosa. It's a mental health disorder Abuse Poor reaction to stress Malnutrition
Give four symptoms of anorexia nervosa. Tooth decay Excessive weight loss Dizzy/light headed Over exercising Pain in abdomen
For anorexia nervosa, explain what is meant by patient-centred approach tlo care. The patient will be put at the centre of the care process They will be involved in all decisions about their care Family or medical staff might need to make decisions for them Practitioners need to show understanding as the patient will feel very vulnerable due to their mental health They will be treated with dignity and respect The patient will be more involved in their own care This will help the patient make appropriate decisions about their health and lifestyle to manage their anorexia Those involved in the patient's care will try to recognise ways in which the patient can take responsibility for their own health and well-being Enabling the patient to make informed decisions about their care May help prevent relapse Appropriate examples of further support
Describe the physical impact on the patient of having asthma. Tight feeling in chest Wheezing Gasping for breath Coughing Especially at night and early morning May find it difficult to exercise
Describe an appropriate patient care pathway to help treat and manage asthma. Include: steps and milestones needed to provide high quality care, the care professionals likely to be involved and how the pathway is followed. Firstly GP Measure the peak flow which is the maximum rate of which air can be expelled form the lungs Consider's the patient history Put the patient at the centre of the care Discuss current lifestyle e.g. exercise smoking/passive smoking Creating and maintaining confidential records for Asthma and Asthma plans Advise on lifestyle changes Negotiating the most effective method of managing asthma like types of inhalors Refer to other specialists On-going monitoring GP provides prescription for pharmacist Patient/ carers will be told to contact A&E in the event of an uncontrolled attack Appropriate points for A&E e.g. oxygen Ongoing monitoring of asthma should take to ensure the patient is supported and referred back into the pathway if asthma management techniques are not effective
What is testicular cancer? Cancer of the testicles
Identify two causes of testicular cancer. Undescended testicles Genetic mutation Infertilty Smoking
Describe two major symptoms of testicular cancer Swelling or lump in the testicles Sharp pain in the testicles Feeling of heaviness Pain in stomach
Give three medical interventions that the patient could have to treat his testicular cancer. Surgical removal of affected testicle Short dose of chemotherapy Radiotherapy Tesoterone replacement therapy
Describe the potential impact of testicular cancer on the patient. Physical Lower fertilty levels Lack of interest in sex Emotional Confident about chance of beating it Depression Social Affect relationship with partner Engage in health promotional activities about testicular cancer Financial May need to leave work which would impact salary Intellectual Lack concentration at work
Describe what leukaemia is. Cancer of the leukocytes/white blood cells White blood cells are a part of the body's defence against disease Two main groups-acute and chronic Each type of leukaemia has it's own prognosis and treatment
Give three different symptoms of leukaemia that the patient may have experienced. Tiredness Breathlessness Joint pain Pale skin Weight loss
Give three medical interventions the patient could have to help manage their leukaemia. Blood transfusions Antibiotics Chemotherapy Stem cell/ bone marrow transplant
Discuss the appropriate lifestyle changes which tha patient could make to help their leukaemia. If finding it difficult to eat, have high calorie diet Gentle exercise Adjustments to work activities Continuing some of their usual activities Whilst reassessing priorities in life Engaging with some complementary therapies Cut down on/stop smoking Resting
Identify two causes of CHD. High blood pressure Smoking Family history of CHD Type 2 diabetes
With reference to CHD, explain what is meant by a patient-centred approach. Putting the patient at the centre of the care process Involving the patient in all decisions about their CHD e.g. working with a local leisure centre Treating the patient as an equal partner Patient should be treated with dignity and respect Encouraging patient to be involved in all decisions about their care e.g. teaching them about high cholesterol food Enables patient to make informed decisions about their care They will be able to give informed consent It will empower the patient to seek out other support and guidance when needed.
Describe the emotional impact on the patient of having schizophrenia. Upset/ angry Confused Suspicious of others Feel agitated
Describe the social impact on a patient of having schizophrenia. Friends/ family may be reluctant to interact with them They may find it difficult to maintain a close emotional relationship Withdrawn/ isolated Feels uncomfortable around others
Describe an appropriate care pathway to help treat schizophrenia. Include in your answers the steps and milestones needed to provide high quality care, the health care professionals likely to be involved and how the pathway is followed The patient might akready be involved with the Community Mental Health Team They will provide day-day support for the patient When a schizophrenic episode occurs, they will complete a risk assessment The patient may stay in their own home with support They may be admitted to a specialist unit It will depend on the severity of the episode "Outside" of episodes, the patient will be encouraged to take her medication They will also be educated what the "warning sides" are by health care professionals And what to do about them Social workers may be involved in care For example with support regarding housing and employment Pharmacistis will support the patient with regards to their medication For example, dealing with the side effects Counsellors will support them emotionally and help the patient to manage social interactions with others The team around the patient is likely to be led by a psychologist or psychiatrist who is the key worker This individual has overall responsibility for their care The patient should recieve different treatments and care
Identify three medical interventions to treat a stroke. MRI/ CT scan Swallowing screening Being placed on a ventilator Craniotomy (surgery to remove blood from brain)
Describe the potential impact of a stroke on the patient. Physically May experience fatigue Weakness and/or paralysis Vision problems Intellectually Problems with memory Find it hard to focus on tasks Problems with perception Emotionally May suffer with depression Socially Difficulty with communicating with others Financially Extended period of time out of work
Discuss the appropriate lifestyle choices which the patient should make to help manage his schizophrenia Improved nurition Through fish oil rich foods Reduce hours at work Avoiding alcohol Avoiding (illegal) drugs Adequate sleep Take regular exercise Maintaining exercise
Identify three possible causes of breast cancer More dense breast tissue Previous diagnosis of breast cancer Family history (of breast cancer) If overweight/obese Being tall
Apart from a lump in the breast, outline four other symptoms of breast cancer. Change in size of breast Pain in breast Nipple discharge Rash/ crusting around nipple Rash on / around armpit
With reference to the patient, explain what a patient- centred approach is. The patient will be put at the centre of the care process They will be involved in all decisions about their care Family or medical staff might need to make decisions for them Practitioners need to show understanding as the patient will feel very vulnerable due to their cancer Treat the patient with dignity Respect it will gain a greater involvement from the patient in their own care Support the patient to make lifestyle changes Enable the patient to make informed choices
Describe the emotional impact on the patient of having been diagnosed with bowel cancer. Worrried about the future Fear about the treatments he will recieve Anger Depression Confident about chances of survival Upset
Explain the social impact on the patient of having bowel cancer. Social isolation from family and friends Lack of contact with work colleagues Strengthen relationship with family/friends Meet new people through appropriate support groups
Describe an appropriate care pathway to help treat and manage the patient's bowel cancer. Firstly GP Question the patient about family history and symptoms by a medical interview Perform digital rectalk examination They look for a noticeable lump If a lump is found, or the GP is not certain, there will be a referral to the hospital Two possible tests at the hospital- Sigmoidoscopy - examination of the patient's rectun and part of the large bowel Colonoscopy- examination of entire large bowel If bowel cancer is confirmed after these tests, further tests are done to determine the best course of treatment and if the cancer has spread CT or MRI scan to look at the patient's bowels and other organs Ultrasound scan to look at liver Chest x-ray to look at heart and lungs Practitiners could include a physiotherapist, psychologist and/ or dietician Treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological treatments like monoclonal antibodies The treatment the patients recieve will depend on the stage and grade of his bowel cancer, as well as their overall health and well-being and whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
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