Biology Key Words


Amy Morris
Flashcards by Amy Morris, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Morris
Created by Amy Morris almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Activation Energy The level of energy required to enable a reaction to take place. Enzymes reduce this time cause they're helpful like that
Active Transport Movement of substances across membranes against their concentration gradient. NEEDS ATP. Usually involves transport proteins
Adaptation A feature of a living organism that increases its chances of survival
Adenine A nitrogen-containing organic base found in nucleic acids. Pairs with thymine and uracil. PURINE
Adhesion Force of attraction between molecules of 2 different substances
Adipose Tissue made of cells that store fat. FAT CELLS
Allele A version of a gene
Allopatric Speciation due to organisms of a species being separated by geographical barriers + time = 2 different species
Amino Acid Protein monomers. Made up of an amino group (-NHH) and a carboxyl group (-COOH)
Amylase An enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of starch to sugar
Amylose Crystallisable form of starch (long, unbranched polysaccharide)
Anaphase In mitosis, the stage where the newly separated chromatids are pulled towards opposite poles of the nuclear spindle
Antibiotics Molecules produced by microorganisms that kill or limit the growth of other microorganisms
Antibodies Protein molecules released by the immune system in response to an antigen
Antigen A foreign molecule (protein or gylcoprotein) that can prevoke and an immune response
Antigen-presenting cell A macrophage that has ingested a pathogen and displays its antigens on its plasma membrane
Apoplast pathway Route taken by water between the cells
Ateriosclerosis Hardening of the artery walls and loss of elasticity caused by atherosclerosis and deposition of calcium
Artificial Immunity Immunity required through deliberate exposure to antigens or injection of antibodies
Atherosclerosis/atheroma The process of deposition of fatty acids in the lining of arteries to form atheroma. May lead to arteriosclerosis
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