
Flashcards by logan_talley5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by logan_talley5 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment A amendment is a change to the constitution.
Assimilate The fully understand the concept
Bias To be in favor of someone or something
Bicameral To have to sets of groups in the legislative body.
Blockade To prevent shipment or passage through a certain area.
Boomtown A town in great growth in sense
Capitalism When a countries trade is controlled by private owners or the government.
Checks and Balances All branches of the government have some sort of power over each other so one branch doesn't get to strong.
Captain of Industry A owner of a business who takes good care of his workers and donates his money.
Congress The legislative branch of the government or vote on bills and decide laws using yay or nay
Due Process of Law When their is fair treatment in court
Economics Deals with supply and demand, how much money is being made
Emancipated Become free
Enfranchise give the right to vote
Enumerated To establish
Federalism When the power is divided by the Nation, State and local governments
Forty-Niners Someone who took part in the California gold rush
Free Enterprise Companies competing with little government regulations
Habeas Corpus Copper Heads will get arrested if seen protesting against the war and black troops joining.
Industry making products by factories and machines
Judicial The branch that deals with court
Ku Klux Klan For white supremacy and did not agree with the north
Manifest Destiny The expansion from east to west in the U.S. Saying that god was telling them too.
Martyr A person killed because of their religious belief
Monopoly Control of a supply overpowering all the other competition
Nomadic Hunter-Gathierer lifestyle. Move around a lot.
Override To take control and overpower a right or command
Popular Sovereignty Power by the people
Ratify To Approve
Radical Extremist is whatever they do
Republicanism The head of the state represents the people
Robber Baron A northerner who moves to the south looking to find profit on the southerners after the war
Rural relating to, or a countryside characteristics
Seperation of powers All three branches of the government have there own jobs
Social Dawinism The belief of "survival of the fittest" meaning who's best fit for there surroundings
Suffrage Right to vote
Supreme Court The highest federal court system
Tariff Restrict trade and make it more expensive for consumers
Taxation without represenation The British kept taxing American colonist at this time which was one of the reasons that started the revolutionary war
Trade Union Workers in an industry whom trade their products
Urban City/Town
Veto a constitutional right to reject a decision made by the law making-body
Thomas Jefferson third president of the united states and the main author of the declaration of independence
Sacagawea Led Louis and Clark through the Louisiana territory as a guide.
Andrew Jackson Signed the Indian Removal act and is known as the common man president
James Polk Known as Mr. Manifest Destiny for getting the most land while in office
Fredrick Douglass Very smart abolitionist who escaped slavery and was taught to read and write. He was a orator, writer and statesman.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Author of the book "Uncle Toms Cabin"and was a abolitionist
John Brown Famous for his Raid at Harper's fairy trying to free slaves but failed
Robert E. Lee The General of the Confederate army with great army tactics and skill
Andrew Johnson For slavery during the reconstruction, considered the worst president in history, by only making things worse.
Susan B. Anthony played a giant role in the women suffrage movement
Sitting Bull Resisted united states government policies and fought back , defeating George Cluster
George Custer United states army officer who dealt with cavalry. He got defeated by sitting bull.
Cornelius Vanderbilt He was a captain of industry who got his money by railroads and shipping.
John Rockefeller He was also a captain of industry who got most of his money from his oil company that dominated the market.
Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie was a captain of industry who got all of his money off of steel and donated a lot of his wealth to make libraries and schools
Jamestown The first settlement in America which excelled in Tobacco
Plymouth The second colony in america where the first pilgrims came over. Very religious people.
Lexington and Concord The first battle(s) of the revolutionary war
Erie Canal The First man made water system which prospered in shipments and goods.
The Alamo A giant battle was fought here against Mexicans and U.S.
Harper's Ferry John brown tried raiding to free slaves but failed.
Fort Sumter This was the start of the civil war when the confederate army surrounded the base.
Gettysburg Adress After the fight at Gettysburg president Abe Lincoln gave one of the most famous speeches in history.
Appomattox Courthouse Where the Civil War officially ended.
Fords Theater This is where president Abe Lincoln was assassinated.
Promontory Point, Utah This is the point where the two railroads met.
Ellis and Angel Island This is where immigrants came to become a legal U.S. citizen.
Declaration of Independence This was the break up letter with Britain saying that we want to be our own country.
Revolutionary War This war took place in america where Britain wanted us to still be apart of them and we wanted to be separate from them. They had highly trained troops while we had militias.
Articles of Confederation The rough draft of the Declaration of Independence.
Great Compromise Two upper house representatives from each state and the amount of lower house representatives is based on population.
Passing of the Constitution It had been ratifed (approved) by 2/3 of the house.
Adding the bill of rights There were federalist and Anti-Feds who wanted to add it and who didn't. The bill of rights got shot down a few times but managed to get approved.
Louisiana Purchase The purchase of the midwest territory known as the "american dessert" which we purchased for a steal. 4 cents an acre!
Missouri Compromise Anything above the degree 36, 30 would be a non-slave state and below would we slave.
Indian Removal acts signed by Andrew Jackson to send the indians to the Oklahoma area forcing them on the trail of tears.
Mexican-American War The U.S. wanted Texas, and they wouldn't give it to us so we ended up going to war over it. Resulting in us gaining land.
California Gold Rush A giant amount of gold found in California and people risked there lives to get it.
Homestead Act Supported western migration which provided western migration and if you lived there for 5 years it would be permanently yours.
Industrial Revolution The process from hand made to machine made products
Underground Railroad Where abolitionist helped free slaves
Seneca Falls Convention The first convention discussing women suffrage
Compromise of 1850 The slave trade was banned and half of the new land in the west was free and the other wasn't. forced fugitive slave act.
fugitive slave act This allowed any owners to go and get there run away slaves even if they lived in a free state.
Kansas-Nebraska Act Allowed citizens living in kansas and nebraska the decision to vote whether the state would be free or slave state.
Dred Scott v. Sanford This was a unfair trial where they said drdd was property and that even if he was in a free state he still has to live with his master.
Bleeding Kansas Described the violence that took place after the Kansas-Nebraska act because of the slave/free conflict.
Civil War The civil war is the fight between the north and the south over slaves. This had a major reconstruction.
Emancipation Proclamation Allowed slaves in the south if found by troops or people from the north to be free.
Civil Right draft riots There was a giant argument about how rich people could buy themselves out the war and have someone replace them.
Gettysburg Adress This was the speech Abe Lincoln gave after the war at Gettysburg. This went down as one of the best speeches ever given.
Reconstruction This was the recover of the civil war. It took many many many years before things were fine between us and the south.
Civil War Amendments These amendments gave african americans there rights and citizenship.
Completion of transcontinental railroad The railroad that went coast to coast which took years to complete.
indian wars These wars took place because they did not want to go on the trail of tears, or they did not want to follow american rules. performed "ghost dance"
Gilded Age The age where they were robber barons and captain of industries. The first trusts were bing made and the big companies were controlling everyone.
Populist party The peoples party, that started in Kansas.
Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but equal" a fair case between a white and a black using the laws.
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