

GCSE English (Inspector calls ) Flashcards on Sheila , created by Reuben Veysey-Smith on 13/05/2015.
Reuben Veysey-Smith
Flashcards by Reuben Veysey-Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Reuben Veysey-Smith
Created by Reuben Veysey-Smith over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Business/employees Aren't cheap labor they're people Shows she is constantly questioning and rejects capitalism
Class/status I'd persuade mother to close our account - shows how at first she is like her mother and uses her class to get her way
Children Don't go upsetting the child - she is viewed as a child throughout
Dress/clothes It just didn't suit me at all - she is very materialistic and self conscious but this does change
Drinking Purple faced old men - shows she is against it and is foreshadowing Meggarty as well as Eric
Government You're ready to go back to the same old way - shows how she recognizes a change in society, foreshadowing Britain after the first world war
Love I don't dislike you - shows she does like and respect Gerald but now she goes against her role and will not marry him superficially
Men I'm supposed to be engaged to the hero of it - This shows she recognizes her position in society, and mocks it. Also the use of hero is ironic as it refers to war
Money Is it the one you want me to have - at first she is very materialistic towards wealth, but does change
Property But not cosy and homelike - the furniture can be a metaphor of the superficial nature of their engagement
Prostitutes You went down to the bar for women of the town - shows she is aware and knows what Gerald is referring to
Status We must not build a wall between us and that girl - She understands how we fit together and is drawing connections, going against the class system
War Fire, blood and anguish - shows she is indirectly foreshadowing it
Women Was she pretty - starts to show how she is similar to Eva
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