IGCSE Geography Hydrological Cycle transfers


flashcards for all the transfers and flows between stores in the hydrological (aka water) cycle e.g. evaporation and precipitation
Hannah N
Flashcards by Hannah N, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah N
Created by Hannah N almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Evaporation Water is converted from liquid form into a gas (water vapour) on the SURFACES of lakes etc due to the heat of the sun.
Transpiration Where plants TAKE UP liquid water from the SOIL (with their roots) and "breathe" it into the ATMOSPHERE as water vapour
Interception When trees and plants OBSTRUCT (intercept) the DOWNWARD movement of precipitation by STORING some of the water on their LEAVES
Condensation Where the ATOMOSPHERE cools and water vapour changes into a liquid. This liquid takes the form of water droplets that appear in the atmosphere as CLOUDS.
Precipitation The transfer of water in ANY FORM from the ATMOSPHERE to the land or sea SURFACE. This can be in the form of rain, hail or snow.
Overland flow Where precipitation hits the ground and MOVES UNDER GRAVITY and eventually enters a stream, river or lake. This is also known as surface run off.
Infiltration and percolation This is the transfer of water downwards through the soil and rock into the AQUIFER or UNDERGROUND STORE Infiltration- water moving downwards through the soil Percolation- water moving through rocks and into the aquifer/u.g. store
Throughflow This takes place between the ground surface and the top of the groundwater store. Under the influence of GRAVITY, water moves slowly THROUGH THE SOIL until it reaches a stream or river. (movement of water horizontally under land surface but over aquifer due to gravity)
Groundwater flow This takes place in the AQUIFER and is the UNDERGROUND transfer of water to rivers, lakes and the sea
Evapotranspiration LOSS of moisture DIRECTLY from rivers/lakes (evaporation) and vegetation (transpiration)
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