Researching social life


Researching social life exam cards
Amy Kershaw
Flashcards by Amy Kershaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Kershaw
Created by Amy Kershaw over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who am I - Shulamit Reinharz Research: Aging on a Kibbutz, North Catalonia Reasearcher: 33 year old, American Jew Methodoloy: Observation and interviews, ethnographical Types of Selves Research based: Being sponsored, good listener, Brought self: Mother, woman, wife, Jew Situtationally based self: temporary member +/- of Identity Advantages: working alongside other members, gaining access and trust. Being a mother allowed access to children. Disadvantages: Outsider as a barrier to research, disapproval of her reseach
Field research in minority communities – Maxine Zinn Researcher: Mexican, American, Woman Research: Marital roles, power and ethnicity in chicano families +/- of Identity Advantages: Women taught her how to sew due to insider status, same ethnicity = cultural insight Disadvantages: Lacking objectivity, siding with community, more pressure to appear objective, too much attachment "IDK how I'll cope when she leaves"
Talking and listening from women's stand point – Majorie Devault. Researcher: White, feminist Research: invisible work, feminist perspectives on language Dale spenders 'man made language' Words don't fit with womens experiences +/- of Identity Advantages: ability to translate womens experiences, understanding of hesitations and intake of breath Disadvantages: Assumption of prior Knowlege eg "thursdays paper" (for recipes)
When Gender is not enough - Catherine Riessman Researcher: White, middle, interviewer, studied at Smith College School for social work Research: Life after divorce, post marital separation in hispanic or Anglo Sample Susan: 36, White, college education, 3 children (10, 8, 5) husband still lives in house and supports. Middle class neighbourhood Unproblematic interview, chronological order, married due to pregnancy, structured interview with no interruptions. 3 hours. Marta: 24, dark skinned Puerto Rican, 2 children (6, 3) Separated for 2 years, unemployed Problematic, little structure, organised by theme, regular disruptions. Difference in gender roles cited as cause. +/- of identity Advantages: Trust gained due to being female, similar background to susan allowed insight Disadvantages: Large cultural difference between interviewer and Marta led to lack of clarity, no cohesion, difficult to follow.
Personal writing in research – Marjorie Devault Researcher: White feminist Talks about personal writing in sociology "reflecting on how your identity impacts how it went." Katherine Adelson technique in impure thoughts (1991) Quote breif past autobiography and expands with tales from life +/- Advantages: "personal as political" personal account is hearable and useful for exploring the unexpected Disadvantages: Consent issues when writing personally about others, problems with analysing sociology to literary standards
All our Kin - Carol Stack Researcher: White, young, middle class researcher from Uni of Illinois for PHD. Research: participant observation and ethnography. Poor black neighbourhoods. The flats, Jackson Harbour (fictitious) Fieldwork, observation of chores and relationships. Gained trust folding papers and helping people with Car. Year 1 Viola and Leo Jackson plus 70 kin Year 2 Magnolia and Calvin Waters plus daughter Ruby. +/- of identity Advantage: being female meant she could relate to other females, carried out errands to gain trust. Youth allowed friendship with Ruby. Car allowed her to travel to goodwill multiple times a day and gain trust. Disadvantage: Being white meant she experienced hostility. Not immediately trusted. Getting a car hindered her research as she ended up running errands instead.
Interactive interviewing - Carolyn S. Ellis Researcher: Female, bulimic Research: Interacting interviewing, social identities of researcher and participants change as each respond. Deep emotions, sensitive topics. Christines abusive father vs Lisa's Daddy <3 +/- of identity Advantage: Trust, no set procedures, empathetic, group dynamic shape interview Disadvantages: worries about reasons behind bulimia, issues with lack of confidentiality due to group setting
Remaining an outsider – Ruth Horowitz Researcher: White, female Research: chicago gangs, ethnography, fieldwork, interviewing. Known as a lady and unapproachable sexually, asked to sponsor the female gang. +/- of identity Advantages: Lady seen as classy, position of power, decisions respected, diversity of role, asked to sponsor the female gang (reserved for important women) Disadvantages: Gang members couldn't talk openly about relationships in front of a lady, sexual advances made
How I learned what a crock was – Howard Becker Researcher: American white sociologist, graduate of the univeristy of chicago, 27, Jewish. Research: 6 weeks at the University of kansas medical school 1955. Methods: Followed 3rd year medical students, attended diagnostics, questioning students, ethnography by immersion into school life. CROCK: 1) Someone which nothing can be learned from 2) Someone who takes up a lot of time 3) Someone who cannot be healed as is not actually sick. (Payoff for doctors comes from healing the sick.. meaning crocks annoy doctors) +/- of identity Advantages: Trusted to attend consultations, nobody stopped him when he came to watch examinations disadvantages: No clear boundaries given, possibly encountered issues of consent. Due to social science rather than medical science background may not understand some terms eg crock
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