Politics - Law and order


Paper 3
Flashcards by sophie_howes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophie_howes over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the Pros and Cons of Home Office Data? Pros: deemed more credible as provided by the police force itself Cons: Some may be unprepared to report crime to the police - therefore number of crimes published may be lower than reality. Target chasing and misrecording among forces to mask underperformance
What are the pros and cons of BCS data? (independent crime survey of 40,000) Pros: Independent and anonymous = truer reflection of events? Cons: Only 40,000 surveyed Excludes certain social groups and is dependent on memory and frankness of respondent - may be inaccurate
In what ways have Crime Statistics been controversial? Information published could be misleading, resulting in a lack of trust 2010 Tories accused of misleading public - published stats indicating that violent crime had risen during labour government, but the method of recording had changed (non comparable) Stats say crime has fallen, but Yougov pol says people think it has risen by 40% Variations can be misleading - overall crime is falling, but there are rises in the most concerning crime e.g. knife
What are on the spot fines? Police are able to punish people 'on the spot' without legal checks and balances. Focus on low-level crime such as grafitti
What are the pros and cons of On the Spot fines? Pros = quick and efficient. Doesn't clog up justice systems Cons = erratic, subjective decisions. No records or criminal records, so can make future decisions for judges difficult - judges have called for them to be recorded
What are stop and search powers? Police can stop and search individuals they believe to be carrying illegal weapons/drugs/stolen property
Why are stop and search powers controversial? Police are required to state why they are searching but it is not always legitimate Causes people to question their confidence in the police Racism? Ethnic minorities 9% more likely Only 3% of those stopped are prosecuted Breaking the right to liberty, security and privacy?
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