Chapter 17 vocab flashcard


Chapter 17 flashcards.
Flashcards by thomas-layla, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thomas-layla over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Segregation ration of people of different races
Integration mixing of blacks and whites in housing, schools, & other public facilities.
Ghetto a section of a city in which members of a minority group lived because of social legal or economic pressures - often contained rundown housing
Civil Disobidience nonviolent protests against unjust laws - boycotts, sit-ins & marches used by Martin Luther King to gain civil rights and end de facto segregation
Plessy Vs. Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court ruling that segregated “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites was constitutional
Sweatt vs. Painter 1950 Supreme Court ruling requiring state schools to provide facilities for blacks substantially equal to those provided for white students
Brown vs. Board of Education 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation, declaring that “separate could never be equal” and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools “with all deliberate speed” - society became less racist
Martin Luther King’s Method of Gaining Civil Rights led the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the 1960’s with nonviolent disobedience such as boycotts, sit-ins, “freedom rides”, & marches to bring about integration & civil rights
Malcolm X’s Method of Gaining Civil Rights believed that African Americans could only succeed if they separated from white society
Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed by Congress to protect the right of all citizens to vote, outlawed discrimination in hiring and ended segregation in public places
Voting Rights Act 1965 passed by Congress to end literacy tests which were often given in the South to keep blacks from voting and allowed federal regulation of voter registration in states where local officials practiced discrimination
13th ammendment granted African Americans freedom from slavery
14th ammendment granted African Americans citizenship
15th ammendment Granted African Americans the right to vote
24th ammendment Abolished poll taxes in national elections
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