Golden Years


golden years facts
Flashcards by olivia.parson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by olivia.parson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did the army have to decrease from and to under the treaty? 650,000 to 200,000 and then 100,000
how many political assassinations by the right were there 354
how many assignations went unpunished don the right? 326
what triggered Red Bavaria 1919? Assassination of Eisner by right wing student
When was the Munich Putch and what side? Right 1924
When was the Spartacist Uprising? 1919
How many Friekorps were sent to crush the Red Bavaria rebellion? 30,000
how many political assignations were there on the left and how many went unpunished? 4/22
When was the height of inflation? 1923
how many paper mills and printing presses worked 24hrs a day to print money in 1923? 300 and 150
How many marks were needed to buy $1 in 1919 compared to 1923? 12 4.2 trillion
What was the unemployment level in 1923? 4.1%
How many members did sparticists have? 15,000
how many people demonstrated in Berlin in 1922 against political violence? 700,000
How many state employees were sacked to save money/ as part of gov spending cut under Ebert? 700,000
What was the new currency? Rentenmark
What was the annual payment of gold marks reduced to under the Dawes Plan? 1million (rising to 2million 1929)
What % of people supported pro-weimar parties? 76%
What was Nazi support at in 1928? 1928
What % majority did Muller's Grand Coalition hold 1928? 60%
how many governments were there between 1923 and 1929? 7
What was the KDP vote at in 1928? 10.6%
What was Streseman's policy? Fulfilment
What was the repayment term increased o under the Young Plan? 59 years
What % of people voted against the Young Plan? 13.9%
by when was economic production equalled to 1913? 1928
by what % was the national income higher that 1913's in 1928? 12%
what did exports rise by 1925-29? 40%
how much was loaned to germany 1924-30 25.5 billion marks
wages rose every year between when? 1924-30
agriculture was in recession till when? 1927
what did unemployment not fall below? 1.3million
why was the balance of trade out? exporting more than importing
when was the locarno pact signed? 1925
what was the locarno pact? post war borders agreed
When was the Kellogg-Briand Pact? 1928
What was the Kellogg Briand Pact? Outlawed war as a way of solving problems
When were Germany allowed back into the league of nations? 1926
When was the treaty of Berlin? 1926
Grosz and Dix produced work reflecting on the impact of what? and Satirising who? ww1 the Junkers
What was the Bauhaus movement? creation of modern designs for building furniture and graphics
What type of music became popular? US Jazz
Name a work of literature? All Quiet on the Western Front
Name an influential piece of cinema? Metropolis 1927
What forms of cabaret were popular in Berlin? Satrical
in 1927 a compulsory insurance scheme covering how many worker was introduced? 1.7million
Name Streseman's aims free germany from the limitations of the treaty restore the status of his country
What did Stresemann want to do to fulfil his aims? ensure Franco-German friendship Play on importance of Germany in world balance of trade Maintain friendship with USSR encourage cooperation and peace with western powers
Name Streseman's achievements Dawes Plan Locarno Pact League of Nations Kellogg-Briand Treaty Evacuation of Rhineland by Allies Treaty of Berlin
Argument Stresemann succeeded used peaceful methods to change domestic and international position of Germany Kolb: 'astonishingly successful'
Argument Stresemann failed circumstances worked in his favour, failed to revise the treaty, he overestimated his ability to establish friendlily relations with the great powers, limits and slow pace changes led to dead ends, not enough time to establish fully
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