
James Harvey
Flashcards by James Harvey, updated more than 1 year ago
James Harvey
Created by James Harvey over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is the definition of cyber-attacks? Attempts to compromise a system or obtain unauthorized digital data (hacking).
what is the definition of hacking? unauthorized access to computer material.
What is the definition of Phishing? sending a fake email or message pretending to be from a bank or organisation, which tricks users into trying to log on to a fake website, stealing the login details.
What is the definition of malware? Malicious software, designed to cause harm.
What is the definition of ransomware? malware that encrypts users files and demands a ransom to decry-pt them.
What is the definition of botnet? a network of computers which contain malware allowing them to be controlled by a hacker.
What is the definition of key logger? malware that records every key press and sends it to a hacker for analysis.
What is the definition of cyber defences? Techniques and systems to reduce the impact of cyber attacks.
What is the definition Security software? often called antivirus software even though it deals with more than just viruses, scans computers for known malware and removes it. Must be kept up to date with the latest malware definitions.
What is the definition White-hat hacking? – hacking that is done with the authorization of the company being hacked. The hacker produces a report of all the vulnerabilities they found, so that the company can fix them
What is the definition Grey-hat hacking? hacking done without the authorization of the company, but with good intentions, often the company will be informed of how the hacker was able to gain access
What is the definition of Backups? keeping a copy of important data on a different system, so that it can be restored if the original is damaged
What is the definition of Encryption? Altering data so that it can not be read by anyone other than the intended recipient
What is the definition of Cipher a method of encrypting text
What is the definition of Plain text the unencrypted data
What is the definition Cipher-text the encrypted data
What is the definition Key some information needed to encrypt/decrypt the data
What is the definition of Crack to read encrypted data without being given the key beforehand
What is the defintion of Brute Force crack a cipher by trying every possible key until successful
What is the definition of Statistical Attack crack a cipher by using statistics and estimates of the most likely values
what is the definition of Caesar Cipher a simple cipher, where each letter is shifted a number of places up the alphabet
What is the defintion of Substitution Cipher a simple cipher where each letter is replaced by a different letter
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