Human Org and Body Systems


Biology Flashcards on Human Org and Body Systems, created by Kresten Nimo on 09/03/2022.
Kresten  Nimo
Flashcards by Kresten Nimo, updated more than 1 year ago
Kresten  Nimo
Created by Kresten Nimo about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the levels of organization? Chemical -> Molecules -> Cell -> Tissue -> Organ -> Organ System -> Organism
What is the definition of a cell? Give an example of a cell 1. Smallest functional unit 2. The structure of a cell is directly related to its function Example: Epithelial cells, red blood cells, neurons
What is the definition of "tissue"? What are the different types of tissue? A group of cells form tissue. There are 4 types of tissue 1. Connective 2. Muscular 3. Epithelial 4. Nervous
What are some examples of connective tissue? Cartilage, elastic connective tissue, osseous tissue (bone)
What are some examples of muscular tissue? Cardiac, smooth and skeletal
What are some examples of Epithelial tissue? Squamous, cuboidal, columnar
What are some examples of Nervous tissue? Neurons and neuroglia
How many organ systems are there in the human body? What are they? 11 1. Nervous system 2. Digestive system 3. Endocrine system 4. Cardiovascular system 5. Integumentary system 6. Reproductive system 7. Urinary system 8. Muscular system 9. Skeletal system 10. Lymphatic system 11. Respiratory system
Give an example of organs in each body system 1. Nervous: brain, brain stem 2. Digestive: Mouth, oesophagus, stomach 3. Endocrine: glands, pancreas, kidneys, testes, ovaries 4. Cardiovascular: heart 5. Integumentary: skin 6. Reproductive: Ovaries, fallopian tubes, testes, prostate gland 7. Urinary: kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra 8. Muscular: Smooth muscle, skeletal muscle 9. Skeletal: bones and connective tissue 10. lymphatic: lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes 11. Respiratory: lungs, trachea
What is a feed-back system? Feed-back systems are used by the body to detect and respon to stimuli. There is positive feed-back and negative feed-back
Define negative feed-back. What is an example? A negative feed-back system reverses the stimulus Example (key words): Heat (stimulus); skin & brain (receptors); chemical signal sent to brain (control centre); sweat glands, blood vessels (effectors); temp decreases (physical response)
Define positive feed-back. What is an example? Positive feed-back systems enhance the stimulus Example (key words): baby's head (stimulus) pushes against the cirvix which stimulates the nerves (receptors), sends message to brain (control centre) to stimulate the pituatary gland (effector) to release oxytocin. Oxytocin is continuously released until baby is born (physical response)
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