Specialised cells


This is all the information needed for edexcel gcse Biology topic 'Specialised cells'.
Adil Iqbal
Flashcards by Adil Iqbal, updated more than 1 year ago
Adil Iqbal
Created by Adil Iqbal about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a multicellular organism? Contains lots of different types of cells.
What are the 2 main cells that are specialised in sexual reproduction? Sperm Egg
What happens during sexual reproduction? Nucleus of egg fuses with Nucleus of the sperm to create a fertilised egg. Which develops into an embryo.
How many numbers of chromosomes does a sperm/ egg have? They have half the number of chromosomes. 23 Chromosomes. Called a haploid cell.
What are the functions of an egg cell? To carry the females DNA, and nourish the developing embryo in early stages.
How is a egg cell adapted to its function? Nutrients in cytoplasm to feed embryo. Haploid nucleus. After fertilisation- membrane changes so no more sperm could get in.
What are the functions of an sperm cell? Transport the males DNA to females egg.
How is a sperm cell adapted to its function? Long tail so it can swim in Mitochondria to provide energy needed to swim. Acrosome where it stores enzymes needed to digest its way through the membrane of the egg.
What is a Ciliated Epithelial Cell? They move substances along the surface of a tissue.
How is a Ciliated Epithelial Cell adapted to its functions? Hair like structure- help move substance like mucus away from the body cell.
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