Richardson, Bodie - Vocab Unit 5 #1-10


Flashcards on Richardson, Bodie - Vocab Unit 5 #1-10, created by Bodie Richardson on 19/11/2013.
Bodie Richardson
Flashcards by Bodie Richardson, updated more than 1 year ago
Bodie Richardson
Created by Bodie Richardson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Accomplice: a person who takes part in a crime
Image: 2 (image/jpg)
Annihilate: to destroy completely
Image: 3 (image/jpg)
Arbitrary: unreasonable; based on ones wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness
Image: 4 (image/jpg)
Brazen: shameless, impudent; made of brass
Image: 5 (image/jpg)
Catalyst: a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes damage
Image: 6 (image/jpg)
Exodus: a large scale departure or flight
Image: 7 (image/jpg)
Facilitate: to make easier; to assist
Image: 8 (image/jpg)
Incorrigible: not able to be corrected; beyond control
Image: 9 (image/jpg)
Latent: hidden, present but not realized
Militant: given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; a activist
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