DNS and Web Hosting


A level Computer Science (Networks) Flashcards on DNS and Web Hosting, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 30/11/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a DNS Server? > Domain Name Service > Useful as domain names are much easier to read and remember than IP addresses (especially IPv6) > Computers cannot use domains to communicate over the Internet > DNS converts domains into the IP address
How does DNS Lookup Work? > Client sends a request to the nearest DNS server asking for the associated IP address > DNS responds with the correct IP address > Client uses this new IP to send the original request
What is a DNS Miss? > DNS server does not have the associated IP > Asks other DNS servers for the IP, which may then ask other servers again etc. > Eventually resolves the IP address, or returns an error > Resolved IP is sent to the original client > Resolved IP is copied to the DNS server(s) for future reference
What is a Website? > Collection of webpages, linked together using hyperlinks > Hyperlinks are used to navigate the website > Hyperlinks can send the user to other parts and pages of the same website, or other websites all together
What is a Web Server? > Dedicated computer which responds to HTTP requests by returning webpages > One server can host multiple websites
What are some Difficulties in Setting Up a Web Server? > Security risks, e.g., from DDoS attacks > Difficult to make sure that the server does not go down (e.g., in a power cut) > Difficult to ensure that data does not get corrupted if the server is shut down suddenly > Expensive to buy and maintain
What is a Web Hosting Provider? > Company that charges a fee (usually monthly) in return for hosting a website > Server experts ensure that the server is up to modern standards > Includes hosting, regular back-ups, security patches etc.
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