Chapter 10


Omo Mora
Flashcards by Omo Mora, updated more than 1 year ago
Omo Mora
Created by Omo Mora almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Physical Capital Is the tools, instruments, machines building and other constructions that have been produced in the past and that are used to produce goods and services
Financial Capital Is the funds that firms use to buy and operate physical capital.
So what increases capital and what decreases it Investment increases capital while depreciation lowers it
Gross Investment Is the total amount spent on new capital goods (ALL OF IT)
Net Investment Is the change in quantity of capital = Gross Capital - Depreciation
What is the difference between Gross Investment and Net Investment Gross Investment is the total you put into the company but Net Investment is how much of the gross investment is kept because depreciation takes away from your gross investment
Wealth The value of all the things a person owns
Saving Is the amount of income that is not paid in taxes or spent on consumption goods and services; and adds to wealth
Wealth increases when market value of assets rise. What is this called Capital Gains
Savings is the source of funds that are used to finance investment and these funds are supplied and demanded by what types of markets 1. Loan Markets 2. Bonds Markets 3. Stock Markets
Loan Markets The market where households and businesses go get credit and money and borrow it to fund there things and pay back with interest
Bond Markets The markets for bonds; or a promise to make a specified payment at a specified time. The market is the bonds that are being sold by gov or firms and being bought and resold by firms and households
Stock Markets A certificate of ownership and entitles you to a share of the profit. It can be sold at a deficit or a profit and are sold at the stock market in exchanges like NYSE or the Frankfurt SE and the Tokyo SE
Financial Institutions Is a firm that operates on both sides of the markets for financial capital; it borrows in one market and lends in another
What are key financial institutions 1. Investment Banking 2. Commercial Banking 3. Pension Funds 4. Insurance Companies 5.Government Sponsored Mortgage Lenders
Investment Banks ( Key Financial Institution) They are firms that help other financial institutions and governments to issue stocks and bonds and also provide advice for mergers and acquisitions. (High Risk)
Commercial Banking (Key Financial Institution) The bank that households use for their own banking services. EX. Home Loans, Credit Cards, etc. (Low Risk)
Pension Funds (Key Financial Institutions) Financial Institutions buy stocks and bonds to make money and give retirement funds (Retirement Funds)
Insurance Companies (Key Financial Institutions) Insurance for accident that will happen in the future
Net Worth How much a company is worth and is calculated by the Market Value of the company - The market value of the money borrowed
Insolvency Negative Net Worth. Happens when the Market Value of what they have borrowed exceeds what they can pay back
Illiquidity When a company is solvent but doesn't have the funds to pay back loans or financial obligations
What are stocks, bonds and loans They are financial assets
On a financial asset what is a percentage of the price of the asset Interest rates
If the asset price rises with other things remaining the same what happens ? The interest rate falls
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