Chp 11.


Omo Mora
Flashcards by Omo Mora, updated more than 1 year ago
Omo Mora
Created by Omo Mora almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Money Is a commodity or token that is accepted as a means of payment
What three things are included in the definition of Money 1. Commodity or Token 2. Generally Accepted 3. Means of Payment
Commodity or Token (Money) A commodity is something we give value too. Ex. Gold, Milk. A token is made from something that doesn't have value but is given value
What does money have to do and how recognizable should it be Money has to be recognizable and divisible
Generally Accepted (Money) It means that it can be used to buy anything and everything
Means Of Payment (Money) Is the method of settling debt. When a payment is made the deal is complete
What are the three vital Functions of Money 1. Medium Exchange 2. Unit of Account 3. Store Value
Medium of Exchange (Function) Is an object that is generally accepted in return for goods and services. Money is a medium of exchange.
What is barter and Double Coincidence of Wants Bartering is trading of goods and services. DCW is when the person your trading with needs to want what you have and V.V.
Unit of Account (Function) Is an agreed upon measure for stating the prices of goods and services
Store Value (Function) Any commodity or token that can be held and exchanged later for goods or services. Money is Store Value because we use it to buy things
What is most money in the world Fiat Money
Fiat Money It is objects that are money because the law decrees or orders them to be money
Fiat Money consists of what two things 1. Currency 2. Deposits at banks and other financial institutions
Currency It is physical money like notes and coins
Deposits Deposits at banks, credit unions, saving banks are money. They are money because they can be used to make payments
What are the official measure of money M1 and M2
Currency inside banks is money? T or F F. Money inside banks is not money because they are not available as a form for payment
M1 Consists of currency held by businesses and individuals, Traveler's checks, and checkable deposits owned by individuals or businesses
M2 M1+ Saving Deposits, time deposits, money market funds and other deposits
What is like Glacials and Interglacials Money because the more there is in savings (Ice Caps/Glaciers) the less money (Water) there is and V.V.
What is not money 1. Checks 2. Credit Cards 3. Debit Cards 4. e-Checks
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