L12 Leisure activities


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L12 Leisure activities, created by FSI Slovenian on 09/02/2023.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
bajer (m) pond
bližina (f) vicinity
čestitati, čestitam (perf./imp.) to congratulate (perf.,imp.)
članarina (f) membership fee
članstvo (n) membership; affiliation
dejavnost (f) activity
dobrina (f) good
določen,a,o defined,appointed (adj)
društvo (n) society
družaben, bna, o social (adj)
ekipa (f) (sport) team, crew
hoja (f) walking
izvoliti, izvolim (perf.) to elect, imperative - please, take it (perf.)
kajenje (n) smoking
katerikoli, katerakoli, katerokoli (m,f,n) whichever (m,f,n)
klub (m) club
korak (m) step
košarka (f) basketball game
lastnik (m) owner
leten,tna, o annual (adj)
masaža (f) massage
medtem ko meanwhile
mesečen, čna, o monthly (adj)
močen, čna, o strong (adj)
morebiten , tna,o eventual (adj)
naprava (f) device
nasvet (m) advice
navdušen, a , o enthusiastic (adj)
navdušenje (n) enthusiasm
nogomet (m) soccer
oboževati, obožujem, oboževal,a,o (imp.) to adore, to admire (imp.)
obrniti se, obrnem se, obrnil,a,o se (perf.) to call upon someone, get in touch with s. (perf.)
odbojka (f) volleyball
odmor (m) break, rest
oglašati, oglašam (imp.) to advertise (imp.)
planinstvo (n) mountaineering
plavanje (n) swimming
plavati, plavam (imp.) to swim (imp.)
ploskati, ploskam (imp.) to applaud (imp.)
podoben, bna ,o similar, alike (adj)
pohodništvo (n) hiking
pokrajina (f) countryside; province
ponos (m) pride
posameznik (m) individual
pot (f) path, way
predvsem above all
pričakovanje (n) expectation
pričakovati, pričakujem, pričakoval,a,o(imp) to expect (imp.)
prijati, prijam (imp.) to please, to suit (imp.)
priložnost (f) opportunity
primeren, rna, o suitable (adj)
pripraviti, pripravim (perf.) to prepare, to make ready (perf.)
prožen, žna, o flexible (adj)
rasti, rastem,rastel,tla,o (imp.) to grow (imp.) (T)
razgibati (se), razgibam (perf.) to (take) exercise (perf.)
razmera (f) condition
redek, dka, o scarce, rare (adj)
reden, dna, o regular (adj)
sam,a,o alone (m,f,n)
rasti, rasem, rasel,sla,o (imp.) to grow (imp.)(no T )
savna (f) sauna
sekcija (f) section
simboličen, čna, o symbolic (adj)
smučanje (n) skiing
smučati, smučam (imp.) to ski (imp.)
spletna stran (f) website
smučka (f) a ski
šport (m) sport
športni, tna, o sport (adj.)
tečaj (m) class, course
tekma (f) race, contest, game
telovadba (f) gymnastics
tradicija (f) tradition
trener (m) coach; trainer
trenirati, treniram (imp.) to coach, to train (imp.)
trim (m) a trail for exercise (m)
ukvarjati se, ukvarjam se (imp.) to be engaged; to be busy; to be involved (imp.)
ustreči, ustrežem, ustregel,gla,o (perf.) to satisfy (perf.)
ustrezati, ustrezam (imp.) to suit (imp.)
včlaniti se, včlanim se (perf.) to become a member of, to join (perf.)
vključiti se, vključim se (perf.) to become part of, to include, to participate (perf.)
vpisati se, vpišem se,vpisal,a,o se (perf.) to enroll, to register (perf.)
vrtec (m) day care, kindergarten
vseeno all the same
zdravje (n) health
zmeniti se, zmenim se (perf.) to agree upon (perf.)
trim steza (f) jogging path (f)
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