Chemical Families Information


A deck of cards to review the uses of select elements from several chemical familes.
Flashcards by shertting, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shertting over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Iron Symbol Fe
Iron uses Tools, machine parts, surgical equipment and appliances (Stainless steel), used to make steel, and is crucial to all life on earth’s diet.
Iron Interesting Info Iron is the sixth most common element in the universe. Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust by weight. It is the most abundant element in the total composition of the planet. Iron is found in both the inner and outer core of Earth.
NIckel Symbol Ni
Nickel Uses money machinery
Nickel Interesting Info nickel is toxic
Cobalt Symbol Co
Cobalt Uses Alloys to prevent corrosion and wear from the elements. Cobalt is used in an alloy on aircraft engines Cobalt salts are used in ceramics to create blue and green colors.
The 3 metals in the Iron Triad Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt
The 3 metals known as the Coinage metals Gold, Silver and Copper
Gold Symbol Au
Gold Uses Used in coins, phones. electronics and jewelry.
Silver Symbol Ag
Gold interesting info Gold is very conductive.
Silver Uses Silver is used in jewelry, medicine, phones, etc.
Silver interesting info It is the best thermal and electrical conductor in all metals.
Copper Symbol Cu
Copper uses wiring, and used for power generators
Copper interesting info Copper is the third most consumed metal in America behind iron and aluminum
What 3 metals are in the Zinc Group? Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury
Zinc symbol Zn
Zinc uses used to make paints, rubber, cosmetics, etc. Also used in plastics, soaps, inks, batteries.
Zinc interesting info Known by the romans but rarely used. Comes from Persian word ‘sing’ meaning stone.
Cadmium symbol Cd
Cadmium uses It is used to protect metal from corrosion. It is still used today to protect critical components of aeroplanes and oil platforms.
Cadmium interesting info It is a poison and can cause birth defects and cancer.
Mercury symbol Hg
Mercury Uses Used in thermometers, Mercury vapor is used in streetlights, fluorescent lamps and advertising signs.
Mercury interesting info It can be extremely poisonous to humans.
Terbium Symbol Tb
Terbium Uses Terbium is used to dope calcium fluoride, calcium tungstate and strontium molybdate, all used in solid-state devices.
Terbium interesting info Terbium was named after the village, Ytterby.
Europium symbol Eu
Europium uses Used to dope some types of plastics to make lasers.
Europium interesting info Europium is the most reactive of the rare earth elements.
Neodymium symbol Nd
Neodymium uses Used to make flints for lighters. Used to make certain types of welders and glass blower's goggles.
Neodymium interesting info Some neodymium salts are used to color enamels and glazes. Used to create artificial rubies for lasers.
Amercium symbol Am
Americium uses Used for smoke alarms and could possibly used for spacecraft batteries in the future
Americum interesting info Doesn’t have a biological role because it is toxic due to its radioactivity.
Carbon symbol C
Carbon uses Basic building block of living cells; Used to form strongly bonded chains, and used for a feedstock for the companies that work with paints, solvents etc.
Carbon interesting info Carbon is made in the interiors of stars, but was not produced in the Big Bang
Silicon symbol Si
Silicon uses glass, semiconductors, sand
Silicon interesting info Second most abundant element
Tin symbol Sn
Tin uses Used to coat other elements to prevent corrosion.
Tin interesting info Tin is the 49th most abundant element and has, with 10 stable isotopes, which is the largest numbers of stable isotopes on the periodic table
Lead symbol Pb
Lead uses solder and shielding against radiation, batteries
Lead interesting info Lead acts as a neurotoxin, damaging the central nervous system.
Fluorine symbol F
Fluorine uses -Refrigeration Fluid, -Rocket Fuel -Toothpaste -Uranium Purification -Etching Solution
Fluorine interesting info - Identified by Moisson in 1886 - Scientist knew about it for hundreds of year but it was never isolated until the late 1800’s
Chlorine symbol Cl
Chlorine uses Chlorine is a disinfectant, used to treat drinking water and to treat swimming pools.
Chlorine interesting info second most common halogen on earth.
Bromine symbol Br
Bromine uses Bromine is used for pesticides, dyestuffs, water purification compounds, and as a flame retardants in plastics.
Bromine interesting info It is the only non-metallic element that is a liquid.
Iodine symbol I
Iodine uses Radiation Exposure, Sterilizing agent, Boosting metabolism, harmful organisms, body health, antioxidant.
Iodine interesting info Gas is violet color, almost all isotopes are radioactive, seafood has iodine, iodine is mined in Chile.
Astatine symbol At
Astatine uses Used in cancer treatment
Astatine interesting info Decays into other elements like uranium and bismuth
Helium Symbol He
Helium uses Used as a cooling medium for the Large Hadron Collider, used to keep satellite instruments cool, used with neon to scan barcodes in supermarket checkouts
Helium interesting info Used in apollo space vehicles heavier than hydrogen not much natural helium on Earth discovered by Sir William Ramsey in 1895
Neon symbol Ne
Neon uses used for high voltage indicators (signs) cryogenic refrigerant
Neon interesting info discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsey and Morris Travers 5th most abundant chemical element in universe ⅔ as dense as air
Argon symbol Ar
Argon uses It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament
Argon interesting info Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Lord Rayleigh, an English chemist, in 1894. Argon makes up 0.93% of the earth's atmosphere, making it the third most abundant gas
Krypton symbol Kr
Krypton uses photographic flashes Flourescent light bulbs signs that glow with greenish-yellow light
Krypton interesting info Known as “hidden gas” Melting point: 251.25 F Boiling point: 243.80 F
Xenon symbol Xe
Xenon uses Flash bulbs, sunbed lamps, bactericidal lamps for food preparation and processing, also used in ruby lasers
Xenon interesting info Gives off a blue glow when excited by an electrical discharge, Xenon ion is used in satellites to keep them in orbit
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