Solid Waste Characterization


Flashcards on Solid Waste Characterization, created by Baigal Tsolmonba on 27/10/2015.
Baigal Tsolmonba
Flashcards by Baigal Tsolmonba, updated more than 1 year ago
Baigal Tsolmonba
Created by Baigal Tsolmonba almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Characterizing solid waste
Physical properties of solid waste 1. Specific weight 2. Moisture content 3. Field capacity 4. Permeability of compacted waste (hydraulic conductivity)
Chemical properties of solid waste 1. Proximate analysis 2. Fusing point of ash 3. Ultimate analysis Energy content
Waste management processes 1. Generation 2. Handling and front-end separation 3. Collection 4. Back-end separation and processing 5. Transformation 6. Transfer and transport 7. Disposal
Management processes in the U.S.
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