Hiroshima and Nuclear War


Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the cost of the Manhattan project? $2 Billion
Give two reasons why the US dropped the atomic bombs Military Japanese were unlikely to surrender and many US soldiers would have died/ Political-show off US power to USSR/ Economic- they had spent a lot of money developing it
What date was the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima 6th August 1945
Give one immediate impact of the bomb Destroyed the city/ killed 80,000 people and 58000 people died in the days after
Give one long term impact of the bomb Started the Nuclear Arms Race/ MAD theory
Describe the MAD theory Mutually Assured Destruction/ Nuclear weapons were a deterrent/ Because they were so devastating neither side wanted to use them as everyone would be destroyed/ USA and USSR had enough weapons to destroy the world several times
What is a ICBM and MRBM? Intercontinental Range Ballistic Missile and Medium Range Ballistic Missile
Why were the US so worried about missiles in Cuba? If the USSR launched a "first strike" they could target most US cities and military sites
What does Detente mean? A relaxing of relations (following the Cuban crisis)
How many countries signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty? 100
What was SALT 1? Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, USA and USSR agreed to limit certain types of missiles
What was the highest point of Detente between the US and the USSR? They ran a joint space mission (Apollo and Soyuz) in 1975
Why did the Detente end? The USSR invaded Afghanistan on Christmas Day 1979
American President Reagan referred to the USSR as an "evil empire". How was Reagan described by Russian leaders? As a "primitive, mentally retarded caveman"
Give two reasons why the USSR negotiated and signed peace treaties with the US in the late 1980s? They couldn't keep up with the US superior technology known as Star Wars/ the war in Afghanistan had ruined the Russian economy/ Russian Premier Gorbachev positively wanted peace
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