Bacilli (minus clostirdium)


-Bacillus -Clostiridium* -Listeria -Mycoplasma
Flashcards by ybessada, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ybessada almost 9 years ago

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Low G+C Cocci Bacilli
Low G+C Cocci Staphulococcus Streptococcus Enterococcus
Low G+C Bacilli Bacillus Clostiridium Listeria Mycoplasma
Bacillus Structure -Single or pairs -facultative anaerobe
Bacillus Pathogenicity Forms endospores capsule of polyglutamic acid *Anthrax toxin
Anthrax Toxin has 3 polypeptides: - Edema factor -protective antigen -Lethal Factor
Bacillus Epidemiology -Disease of Herbivores - can be contracted by Humans -Category A bioterror agent *
3 Ways humans can contract bacillus 1- Inhalation 2- Inoculation 3-Ingestion
Bacillus Main Bacterium Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus anthracis Diseases - casuse anthrax (charcoal) - zoonotic disease - 3 clinical manifestations
Bacillus anthracis 3 Clinical manifestations 1. GI anthrax rare, hemorhagging +death 2. Cutaneous anthrax * **Eschar - painless, black, crusty, toxins 3. Inhalation anthrax terrorsim, high mortality, rare
Bacillus anthracis D-T-P D- Large, nonmotile T -penicillin -erthyromycin -ciproflaxicin P - control in animals - effective vaccine
Listeria Description Non-epore forming Ubiquitous Enters through Food and drink Motile at low temps
Listeria Pathogenicity **Wide range of temperatures Listeriosis Motility Cell to Cell Spread
Listeria monocytogenes Motility *Highly Motile Flagella Low temp (20-25 C)
Tumbling Motility Polymerizes Actin molecules -makes long stiff filaments -propels bacteria in cytoplasm -uses actin of host cell
Listeria monocytogenes Invasion and Cell-Cell Spread 1. Binds to surface and triggers endocytosis 2. Adherance mediated by Internalins 3. Once inside, synthsises poreforming cytotoxin =Listeriolysin O (LLO)
*Internalins Membrane proteins that that mediate adherence and invasion of Listeria
Enzymes produced by Listeria inside cell 1. Listeriolysin O (LLO) - pore-forming cytotoxin 2. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase (PI PLC) 3.Phospholipase C (PI PLC)
Listeria monocytogenes Epidemiology -rarely pathogenic in adults -can cross *PLACENTA barrier + blood brain barrier -fetuses, neonates, immunocompromised
Listeria monocytogenes Disease Listeriosis Miscarriage Still births Severely infected newborns - IC can develop meningitis
Listeria monocytogenes D - T - P D - Tumbling motility - Cerebrospinal fluid T - penicillin -erythromycin P - Difficult because Ubiquitous -avoid certain foods
Listeria monocytogenes **Clinical Case** Canada Coleslaw -> Cabbage -> Sheep manure -> Sheep -> Listeria
Mycoplasma Description Smallest free living microbes PLEIOMORPHIC Lack cell walls Have Sterols in Cytoplasmic Membrane *Stain pink in gram stain BUT G+ Growth Factors required
Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae Pathogenicity Attaches to: -Respiratory Tract (Psread by nasal secreations) -Urinary Tract
Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae Diseases Primary atypical Pneumoniae -walking pneumoniae -not requiring hospital
Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae D-T-P D - Difficult since SMALL T - erythromycine or tetracyline (*Cannot be cell wall targetting antibiotics) P - Difficult, often no signs or symptoms
Mycoplasma hominis WOMEN Disease: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Treatment: Clindamycin
Mycoplasma genitalium + Ureaplasma urealyticum Disease: Urethra Inflammation Treatment: erythromycin or tetracyline
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