Actus reus cases (excluding causation)


G153 Flashcards on Actus reus cases (excluding causation), created by krish_14 on 01/12/2013.
Flashcards by krish_14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by krish_14 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hill v Baxter (1958) Driving involuntary: losing control because of being stung by a swarm of bees, stuck on the head by a stone and if he had a heart attack while driving
Mitchell (1983) Person pushed originally is not liable as it was an involuntary act. Original pusher is also liable for the push on third person
Larsonneur (1933) The act of being in the UK was sufficient to constitute the offence. The fact that the conduct wasn’t voluntary is irrelevant
Pittwood (1902) Failure to fulfil a contractual obligation is likely to endanger the lives of others
Gibbins & Proctor (1918) The omission to feed her was deliberate with the intention of causing death or serious harm to her
Stone & Dobinson (1977) Ds were under a legal duty to summon help or continue to care for V
Miller (1983) Failure to take reasonable steps to deal with the fire when he discovered that his mattress was on fire resulted in conviction
Dytham (1979) Willing failure to fulfil public duty gives rise to criminal liability in regard to the victim
Lowe (1973) No ‘unlawful’ act. A failure to do something could not be an ‘act’.
Airedale NHS Trust v Bland (1993) Doctors could stop artificially feeding Bland even though a known consequence would be death, as this was in his best interest.
Khan & Khan (1998) Conviction for unlawful act manslaughter was quashed but CA thought there could be a duty to summon medical assistance in certain circumstances, so that a D could be liable for failing to do so.
Evans (2009) Enforced the precedent set Khan & Khan.
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