PPE REvision RE Spec B


Revision cards for: Mrs Good - Boys Mrs Jones - Girls and Boys classes Mrs Eaton
Laura Good
Flashcards by Laura Good, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura Good
Created by Laura Good almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Celibacy Abstinence from sexual relationships
Chastity No sex before marriage
Commitment Promises you make and keep
Conflict Disagreements and quarrels
Love One of the most powerful human emotions which joins people
Reconciliation Apologising and becoming friends again
Relationship An emotional association between two people
Responsibilities Duties you should carry out
Rite of Passage An important stage in life
Sacrament An outward sign of inward change that involves God's blessing
Contraception Preventing a pregnancy
Tradition Belief, custom or common practice
Vow Promise between two people, or a person and God
Catholic Marriage * a gift from God * a supporting relationship * a secure environment to raise children * a serious and life-long commitment * a sacrament
Jewish Marriage * an emotion, intellectual and spiritual union *The right place to have sex and raise children
Catholic teachings on sex *Must be within marriage *A gift from God *Casual sex disrespects your body
Jewish teachings on sex * An important part of human relationships *Sex wasn't just made for procreation but also for pleasure
Catholic teachings on contraception * Artificial contraception goes against natural law *The use of artificial contraception is a grave sin *Natural family planning is allowed *Humans should 'be fruitful and multiply'
Jewish teachings on contraception *Oral contraceptives are allowed but barrier methods are not as these damage a man's sperm. *Natural family planning is the preferred method.
Catholic marriage ceremony 1. Questions 2.. Vows 3. Blessing 4. Rings. 5. Register
Jewish marriage ceremony 1. Chuppah 2. Bride circles the groom 7 times 3. Ring 4. Betrothal declaration 5. Kiddushin 6. Ketubah 7. Breaking of glass
Catholic teachings on homosexuality * Marriage is the joining of a man and a woman * Sex should only take place within marriage * The couple must be open to procreation *Catholics are not against homosexuals but they are against the act
Jewish teachings on homosexuality * Homosexuality is forbidden * "Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence". Leviticus 18:22
Catholic teachings on divorce * Marriage should be forever * Divorce is impossible as it is a sacrament * God made the couple into one flesh * A marriage can be annulled - this means it was never a true marriage in the first place
Jewish teachings on divorce *Jewish marriage is intended for life but sometimes this doesn't work out * Couples should try and fix their differences * Divorce may be the last resort * A husband must grant his wife a 'get'
Authority Power over others through position or moral teaching
Discrimination Treating groups differently or unfairly
Equality State in which everyone has equal rights
Identity Sense of who you are in terms of attitudes, character and personality
Prejudice Judging people to be inferior or superior without cause
Community A group of people joining together because they share something in common
Duty A moral or religious obligation
Human Dignity Treating all humans with respect regardless of race, sex or social position
Human Rights Rights to basic things we need in order to exist
Need Something necessary to survive
Respect Consideration for others; understanding that everyone has value
Stereotype The idea that, e.g. if people dress the same, they must have similar behaviours and patterns
Catholic and Jewish teachings on human dignity All humans are important as they were created in the image of God
Catholic teachings on wealth and charity * Wealth is God-given * Money won't buy people happiness *Jesus was charitable * You should only earn money in moral ways that don't hurt anyone, e.g. drug dealing
Jewish teachings on wealth and charity * It is their duty to look after those less fortunate than themselves * They are expected to give some of their income to the poor and needy * Unfairness and dishonesty in business are condemned
Catholic teachings on equality * All people descend from Adam and Eve therefore all people are equal * Every human was created in the same - in the image of God * The Good Samaritan proves we should care for people regardless of who they are * Martin Luther King is a Christian who fought for equality
Jewish teachings on equality * God created all people equal * All people are equal before God * People from all nationalities should be shown tolerance
Catholics and religious charity * CAFOD * They speak out where the is injustice and campaign for change * The world around the world *Short term development * Long term development
Prejudice * Judging people to be inferior without cause * People are prejudice due to lack of education, lack of understanding, lack of experience etc. * Both religions believe that no one should be prejudice
Catholic teaching on discrimination * Jesus taught that all people should be treated fairly * Women - Jesus spoke with women about religion * Disability - Jesus performed miracles for a variety of people Race - In the parable of the Good Samaritan the man helped the Jew regardless of their differences
Jesus teaching on discrimination * All humanity is made by God * Israel accepts Jews from all around the world * Women are expected to take an important role in religious ceremonies showing they are not discriminated against.
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