Sports Participation Pyramid


Info about Sports Participation Pyramid and the different stages
curly pasta
Flashcards by curly pasta, updated more than 1 year ago
curly pasta
Created by curly pasta almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sports Participation Pyramid. What is it? The numbers or people participating in sport in the UK are shown by four stages It gets smaller towards the top. (as level of performance increases the, the number of people participating decreases.
Foundation Stage The introductory stage At the bottom of the pyramid Contains the most people The level which includes the compulsory things you do at school The level when people start or try an activity
Participation Stage You progress to this stage when you CHOOSE to continue sports. e.g. after school club Fewer people at this stage then Participation Slightly higher level of skill of sport at this stage than foundation. Not as competitive as performance stage.
Performance stage Non-compulsory Competitive Where people play in league (though not at top levels. e.g. Sunday League) Where skill is improved by coaching and playing in competitions. Fewer people than Performance and Participation stage.
Elite Stage Relatively few performers compared to other stages. Requires lot of skill, hard work and determination. National and International levels.
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