science section 2


grade 7 science Flashcards on science section 2, created by Ella Ivanovici on 11/12/2015.
Ella Ivanovici
Flashcards by Ella Ivanovici, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Ivanovici
Created by Ella Ivanovici almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
name the three states of matter 1. solid 2. liquid 3. gas
what is melting it is a phase change from solid to liquid when heat is added and the particles in the solid start to move faster and become less packed together
what is condensation it is a phase change from gas to liquid when heat is released and the particles in the gas start to move slower and become closer together
what is freezing it is a phase change from liquid to solid when heat is released and the particles in the liquid start to move slower and become packed together
what is sublimation it is a phase change from solid to gas when heat is added drastically and the particles of the solid start to move very fast and spread far apart
what is deposition it is a phase change from gas to solid when heat is released drastically and the particles of the gas suddenly become packed together and move at a very slow pace
what is evaporation it is a phase change from liquid to gas when heat is added and the particles of the liquid start to move faster and spread apart
name some of the properties of a solid a solid has a definite shape and does not take the shape of its container. It has a definite volume
explain the movement of the particles of a solid it's particles very slow (vibration) they are packed together into a pattern
name some of the properties of a liquid Liquids have definite volume, but indefinite shape it takes the shape of it's container
explain the movement of the particles of a liquid its particles move fast and are spread apart they do not form a pattern (like a solid)
name some of the properties of a gas gasses expand to fill their container they have an indefinite shape and volume
explain the movement of the particles of a gas its particles move very fart and are very far apart they also do no form a pattern
what is the definition of temperature Temperature indicates the average quantity of heat an object contains
what instrument do we use to measure temperature we use a thermometer
what are some of the units used to measure it The everyday unit for temperature is degrees Celsius (°C) We also use fahrenheit (°F)
is temperature characteristic or non-characteristic Temperature is a non-characteristic property
what happens to gases, liquids and solids when they are heated When gases, liquids and solids are heated, they expand: Particles move around faster when they are heated & are able to move further apart so they take up more space *Particle size does not change!*
what happens to gases, liquids and solids when they are cooled As gases, liquids and solids cool, their particles move closer together and take up less space *Particle size does not change!*
explain conduction conduction occurs when energy flows from one molecule to another as they collide it occurs in a solid
explain convection and the convection current using an example convection is the flow of energy that occurs in gases or liquids. ex (with a pot of water on the stove): as the water gets warmer it expands in the bottom of the pot and becomes less dense and rises. As the warmer water rises is cools and becomes more dense and sinks back to the bottom of the pot to start the sicle again
explain radiation radiation is passed through waves of energy that can pass through empty space
sun rays warming a puddle is what type of heat transfer radiation
an egg on a hot skillet is what type of heat transfer conduction
pouring cold water in your hot coffee is what type of heat transfer convection
a heater heating the inside of a car is what type of heat transfer convection
popping corn on the microwave is what type of heat transfer radiation
ironing a wrinkled shirt is what type of heat transfer conduction
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