Intermediate 3


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Solmi Angarita
Flashcards by Solmi Angarita, updated more than 1 year ago
Solmi Angarita
Created by Solmi Angarita almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Beat beat beaten
become became become
At o´clock preposition + expressions of time
At the weekend preposition + expressions of time en el fin de semana
At night en la noche
At lunchtime En el tiempo de la comida
In July En Julio se usa In para meses
In the morning In + month
In the winter In + sense
affordable accecible
On Saturday On + day
On the 4th of July On + date
On monday morning Mañana en la mañana
On new year´s day Un nuevo año
In the twenty first century En los primeros veintes
vaccinations vacunas
shrunk reducido
shirinking encogerse
soon tardaria
high-rise rascacielos
further further adv (distance: comparative of far) más lejos loc adv You need to walk further than that if you want some exercise. Necesitas caminar más lejos de lo que acostumbras si quieres hacer ejercicio.
Allowing Dejando
Comparative Add - adjetive with two or more syllables Add -er add: much / than
Superlative Add - adjetive with two or more syllables Add -est add: more / than
Quantifiers to talk about BIG differences a lot much far
Quantifiers to talk about LITTLE differences a little a little bit slightly
slightly slightly adv: un poco adv algo adv I'm feeling slightly tired after the walk.
coal Mina de carbón
worried preocupada
chest pecho
took past of take (tomar)
Split dividir
wonder preguntarse
enquire preguntar
enquiry investigación
waste v. gastar s. basura
laugh laughing reír riéndose
borrow Pedir prestado
match partido
response responsible
hope hopeless
create creative
ease easy
effect effective
success successful
value valuable
profit lucro profitable rentable
sort ordenar
switching transpuesta
recharging recarga
fixing fijación
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