

Flashcards on Sociology , created by a.tibbins on 14/01/2016.
Flashcards by a.tibbins, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.tibbins over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant by Concentration of Ownership? The Mass Media is owned/controlled by a small number of individuals and companies.
What is meant by Diversification? When companies branch out into news areas to spread risk
What is meant by Global Conglomeration? Media companies operate in the Global Market producing e.g Newspapers in many countries
What is meant by synergy? Media companies sell their product in different formats e.g film will also be a game, have an album, action figure, etc
What is meant by Technological Convergence? Several technologies put together in one product
What is meant by Vertical Integration? This is where companies want to maximise profits by controlling all aspects of the industry
What is meant by Horizontal Integration? When large media companies own various types of media
What are Neo - Marxists views on control and ownership? Controlled by Journalists Journalists have independence and are not manipulated by the owners. Journalists are socialised in the socialised in the dominant ideology and will reflect ruling class values
What are Marxists views on ownership and control? Owned by the ruling class Journalists will go along with owners views as they depend on them for their jobs Owners want profit- need an audience so provide what the audience wants Owners will directly effect content to reflect their interests
What are pluralist views on ownership and control? Owned by different organisations Consumer choice with dictate content of media Diversity of mass media products, different platforms for broadcasting therefore domination cannot take place
Criticisms What is meant by fallacy of choice? Not really more choice on TV just repeats & reality TV. Less serious TV
Criticisms What do Barnett & Weymour say? The quality of TV has reduced. Aim is to have large audiences so they go for high entertainment for the masses.
New Media What are Post Modernists view of the New Media? The media has become more influential in shaping our identity, the media defines our lifestyle e.g what we wear and eat. We no longer look at grand theories such as science or Marxism to explain the world.
New Media What are Marxists view on New media and Globalisation? Restricts choice, local media and culture is being replaced by global culture, which is dominated by a powerful few.
New media How do post modernists criticise Marxists? New media offers more choices & opportunities. Local cultures are not swallowed up they adapt to global culture. They take elements of it and match it to their own culture.
New Media What are the criticisms of Post Modernism? Exaggerate the degree of a social change - media does influence people but it is not the only thing - it ignores the fact that some people can't access the internet or TV
Selection & Presentation of News & Moral Panics What is Churnalism? The uncritical over reliance on 'facts' produced by government & PR experts
Selection & Presentation of News & Moral Panics Why do we have Churnalism? Commercial pressure more space to fill and less time. Gives people what they want, Journalists are uninterested about the truth
Selection, Presentation of News & Moral Panics What are Neo Pluralist views on this? Pluralists = Journalists are objective and impartial Neo Pluralists = In the modern world these goals are harder to achieve
Selection, Presentation of News And Moral Panics What does Davies state? Davies argues that they fail in their basic function to check facts
selection, presentation of news and moral panics what are the pluralist criticisms of Marxists? The media does not always act in the interest of the powerful, the news contains many views therefore bias is not consistent
selection, presentation of news and moral panics what do Herman & Chamsky argue? Argue that the media participate in propaganda campaigns that are helpful to the elite
selection, presentation of news and moral panics Why do Marxists criticise Davies? Marxists suggest that Davies ignores the role of Owners and Advertisers in this process. Manufactures News to benefit powerful groups and has negative effect on the rest of society.
Mass Media and Audiences What is the Hypodermic Syringe Model? Syringe is full of media content>injects this into the audiences>audience are passive receivers and unable to resist the message
Mass Media and Audiences What are the criticisms of the hypodermic syringe model? Gauntlett vs Bandura - too artificial as was produced in a lab and thus unrepresentative of wider population Catharsis - Fesbach & Sanger study Sensitisation - Jock Young
Mass media & Audiences What is the two step flow model? If an authority figure says it is true it must be true
Media and Audiences What is the cultural effects model? The more an ideology is dripped into society, by the media, the more people believe it and accept it as true
Media and Audiences What is the Cultural Effects Model associated with? Neo Marxism - does not view the audience as simply passive people interpret the media they consume
Media and Audiences What is meant by Cultural Hegemony? The public will eventually believe the ruling class ideology to be natural and true
Media and Audiences What is the uses and gratifications model? Background entertainment whilst doing other things information such as news leisure entertainment, relaxation, escape Personal relationships and companionship e.g soaps are topic of conversation in many communities
Mass Media and Audiences What is meant by the selective filter model? 1) Selective Exposure 2) Selective Perception 3) Selective Retention
Mass Media and Audiences What does Postman argue about the selective filter model? That we now live in a 'three minute culture', that todays society has a low attention span to retain the information they are exposed to
Representations of Femininity in Media What are the traditional representations? -Housewife and Mother -Domestic Slave -Domestic consumer -Sex object
Representations of Femininity in Media? What does Tuchman et al state about this? Womens achievement are not as reported, trivialised or condemned by the media
Representations of Femininity in the Media What do postmodernists state about this? There is now greater diversity of gender identities in the media
Representations of Femininity in the media What do radical feminists state about this? The media reproduces patriarchy
Representations of Femininity of the Media What do liberal feminists state about this? The media plays a major part in the social construction of the gender roles in society
Media Representations of Disability What are Disabled people presented as through television? As an object of ridicule, as a burden and as pitiable according to Barnes, as shown through shows such as children in need making this a popular stereotype
Media Representations of Ethnicity What does Dijk state about reporting of ethnicity? Dijk discovered that white citizens were reported more positively and ethnic civilians were reported negatively. Voice of British press is predominantly white.
Media Representations of Ethnicity What are some examples of stereotypical ethnic moral panics? - Muslims -Immigrants -Refugees -London Riots - London Bombings
Media Representations of Age What is the general synopsis of Older People in society? -Grumpy -Mentally Challenged -A burden -Enjoying a second Childhood
Media Representations of Age What is the general synopsis of youths in society? -Seen as a problem group 'vandals' -Not much praise for achievements -Used as scape goats
Media Representations of Age What is the general synopsis of Childhood in society? -Positive -Cute -Brilliant -Accessories
Media Representations of Social Class What is an example of bias News presenting of working class? - Miners strike in the 1980s, overall impression by the media was that the workers caused the strike. This dominant view shows the working class in a negative way.
Representations of Social Class What do Dodd & Dodd argue about social class issues? These communities are threatened by criminal and racist forces
Media Presentation of Social Class What is an example of british television showing working communities? British soaps show close knit working class communities however working class are portrayed as immature and dumb
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