Chapter 1


ICT Flashcards on Chapter 1, created by Verity Spinks on 10/04/2013.
Verity Spinks
Flashcards by Verity Spinks, updated more than 1 year ago
Verity Spinks
Created by Verity Spinks about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does Data mean? Raw facts and figures that are alphanumeric with no meaning. E.g 4444HH1???
What does Structure mean? Give an example How the data is present, organised in a certain way. £NN/NN
What is meant by Context? An environment where prior knowledge and understanding can make sense of data
Name two representation methods and say one advantage of them Sound: can be heard from anywhere in the area Graphics: Multilingual
What data type would you use if you were entering Money? Real/Currency
If driving along the road and there was a sign, which representation method would you use and why? Graphics because they are multilingual and they can be read quickly without problems (unless you don't understand the symbol)
If john asked 13-18 year olds how often they went on social network sites, what source of data would it be for John? Direct Data, because he collected it himself.
Give two advantages of dynamic data? Can personalize the websites (if used) and security can be added to the specific person
Describe the term Accuracy to do with Quality of Information the correctness of the data given
Describe two advantages of Encoding Data is shortened so you can store more in the same space, Security, the key has to be known
Give two reasons why data should be archived Speeds up the computer and Free's up space in the drive
What is a Lookup check? Based on a value cross referencing and returning a single value/list of values
What is a check digit validation? Mathematical calculation that results in a single number to compare.
Identify two methods of presenting information that isnt text or Graphics? Sound and LED
Describe Completeness. Include an example making sure all the information was there for example having a phone number with the area code at the beginning
Name two validation methods you would use for a phone number? Presence check-make sure it's entered
What is the difference between information and knowledge? Information is a certainty, Knowledge changes depending on the information or environment.
What is the purpose of Validation? To make sure the data is sensible/reasonable/in the right format/within set boundaries
Two different consumable costs that are used in producing a leaflet Paper and Toner.
Difference between backing up and archiving? Backing up is coping the data, Archiving is moving the original data.
Difference between static and dynamic data? Static stays the same and Dynamic can be changed and updated.
What is meant by Input, processing and Output? Input: when you enter the data from an external system. Processing- using formulas or calculations on data inputted Output: Printing, or putting Information onto a CD
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