
about diffusion, diet and digestive enzymes
katie Dack
Flashcards by katie Dack, updated more than 1 year ago
katie Dack
Created by katie Dack over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is the main function of the lungs? gas exchange
what is the main function of the oesophagus? moves food down to the stomach by peristalsis
what is the definition of peristalsis? a series of muscular contractions that propels food through the small intestine.
what is the main function of what a liver does? the bile is made here, the liver also breaks down poison such as alcohol.
what is the main function of the stomach? the stomach is a muscular bag. it also kills any bacteria on food but the main function was that it digests protein.
what is the main function of the large intestine? a long tube where excess water is taken from the intestine into the blood.
what is the main function of the small intestine? the main function is that the digestion of the food is completed here
what is the order of the digestive system? 1)mouth 2) oesophagus 3) stomach 4)small intestine 5) large intestine 6) anus
what is an organ? an organ is a group of tissues carrying out a particular function.
what is diffusion? diffusion is the movement of particles (ions or molecules) from an area where they are in high concentration to an area where they are in low concentration.
what is the equation for respiration?
from which foods do we get carbohydrates from? wheat products, sugars, potatoes, pasta, bread
from which foods do we get protein from? meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts
from which foods do we get fats from? meat, dairy products
from which foods do we get vitamins from? we get different vitamins from different vegetables and fruit.
from which foods do we get minerals from? we get different minerals from different vegetables and fruit
from which foods do we get fibre from? dark parts of rice or wheat (like bran)
from which foods do we get water from? most vegetables and fruit and water drinks
what is the use of carbohydrates? the use is for ENERGY.
what is the use of protein? it is used for GROWTH
what is the use of FATS? it is used for storing energy and keeping us warm
what is the use for vitamins? it is used to help with chemical reactions in the body
what is the use of minerals it is used for healthy bones, teeth and blood, and other purpose
what is the use of fibre? it is used to help food move through the digestive system.
what is the use of water? it is used for all the chemical reactions in the cells
what is deficiency diseases? deficiency diseases can happen if a nutrient is lacking from the diet for a period of time
what does amylase break down? maltose
what is polymers? protein are polymers(long chains) of amino acid
what breaks down protein into small insoluble acids? protease
draw a lipase (fat)
what does the square on the lipase drawing represent glycerol
what do the wigly lines on the lipase drawing represent? fatty acids
define the term digestion digestion- large insoluble molecules of food are broken down to small molecules
define the term Egestion Egestion- food which could not be digested or absorbed. is removed by the body
define the term ingestion Ingestion- food is taken into the alimentary canal.
define the term absorption Absorption- the small molecules are absorbed into blood
define the term assimilation assimilation- the use of absorbed food by cells ie glucose for respiration
what is this spotting tile
amaylase it works on starch, it is made in the salivary glands, pancreas, small intestine and cells. it acts in the mouth and small intestine
protease it works on protein. it is made in the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, cells. it acts in the stomach and small intestine
lipase it works on lipids. it is made in the pancreas, small intestine, cells. it acts in the small intestine
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